

Springtime Girls

SS 2024

Growing under 320W Vipar in a 3 x 3. Roots organic soil + Gaia Green dry amendments + worm castings + mykos

2 Hella Jelly from HSC, The Brunch (mimosa x peanut butter breath) from Dirty Bird and a Sweet Seeds mimosa auto

Day 111 (Week 16)


16 updates

57 photos

Day: 111

Chopped yesterday

23 days ago

Day: 104


Need some help here. One of the girls is having trouble staying upright. She’s got thick buds but the stems are definitely feeling weak and flopping over. I’ve also seen some progressing yellowing on some leaves, some of which I know is light burn but I wonder what else is going on. Last topdress with dry organic nutes about 3 weeks ago. Calmag weekly

a month ago

Day: 90


F38. Cruising

a month ago

Day: 80


4 weeks in flower. They’re done stretching and buds are starting to fatten up and pump out trichomes. Happy and healthy

2 months ago

Day: 76



2 months ago

Day: 71


F19. Seeing some great early bud development. Fed about a week ago with dry amendments watered in with Recharge. I’ve done no training whatsoever on the mimosa auto and I’m looking forward to seeing how she does. Main cola looks 💪

2 months ago

wyattwelding101 Healthy🔥🔥

Day: 67


F15, lollipopped a few days ago

2 months ago

Day: 61


1 week into flower. Stretching tall and filling out the space nicely.

2 months ago

Day: 56


F4. Happy with how things look

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 💯🛫👊🏾

Day: 53


First day of 12/12

3 months ago

Day: 48

Transplanted 5 days ago and they’re all looking good. Planning to flip to 12/12 in a few days. Btw the back right Mimosa is only on day 26 and I’m rehabbing the little guy in the middle for my MIL until it’s hearty enough to put back outside.

3 months ago

Day: 42


B2 and HJ2 are getting huge, I’m going to take a couple clones with the plan of breeding them later. Transplanting tomorrow and probably going to flip within a week. I think I’m going to cull the little brunch that never really recovered and grow out the mimosa auto in its place.

3 months ago

Day: 29


Different start dates and different growth rates. I stunted Brunch 1 by overwatering but she’s rebounded after repotting and topping everyone 10 days ago. I also decided to pop a mimosa auto which I may end up putting outside.

3 months ago

Day: 10

Rolling into veg

4 months ago

Day: 5

3 of the 4 are doing great, but that last one barely emerged and then stopped. I’ll see what it does but I’ve got a replacement going if not.

4 months ago

Day: 1

Popped these babies on 4/20. The Brunches popped fast and threw out 1” roots within 24 hours but the Jellies are a little slower. Put them in soil 4/22 and the B’s came right up and spit leaves. I’m still waiting on the J’s but I’m going to go ahead and call this day 1.

4 months ago