
Train and Bruce

Fall 2020

Love the train wreck happy to be growing again. Excited to try Bruce banner from last harvest. Going to add blueberry to train wreck this time around.

Bruce Banner Auto and Train Wreck Auto

Day 71 (Week 11)

4 updates

4 photos

Day: 71

Looking good and getting big. Few weeks left just in time to move!

4 years ago

Day: 52

Moved the smaller Bruce banner to a friend to take care of as I’m about to move when this sucker is done. Drank so much the other day it went completely limp and dry I was shocked. Back to good health a week later!

4 years ago

Day: 20

Train wreck seems to be a great strain. This is my last Bruce banner and it’s a struggle bus but I believe in it. Changed from drip system to permanent DWC system.

4 years ago

Day: 0

In the pods and covered container they go!

5 years ago