
Organic Auto Run

Bio Tabs vs Natures Living Soil For Autoflower

4 x 3gallon pots. All with FFHF - 20% perlite added - 10% worm castings added - mycorrhiza added. 2 have bottom 1/3 with 9.6 Oz by weight NLS for Autoflowers. 2 do not and will have biotabs added per instructions after 5-7 day seedling goes into final pot. Both were “fed” with Fish Shit and SuperCarb 2 days after potting and the day of soaking seeds.


Day 83 (Week 12)

31 updates

37 photos

Day: 83

Forge day 83

2 years ago

Day: 59

The long veg auto ForgeF2 need to get the feed straight.

2 years ago

Day: 57

Super orange haze

2 years ago

Day: 45

Hungry on the two non damaged ones. Top dressed with NLS and super carb tea. Maybe a week too late for just right.

2 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot The buds on the lush green one are filling in nicely. Do you know what caused the burn on the others? And If you fed them all the same did only lush one just happen to not respond like the others?

Day: 40

Pollen collected on the Forge.

2 years ago

Day: 40

Crossed the super orange haze with the Forge pollen. Will do again as I collect.

2 years ago

Day: 40

Dusted Super Orange Haze with Forge F2 Auto Reg pollen. Cosmic Queen F4S1 pollen. And Bubble Gum Queen pollen.

2 years ago

Day: 38

SOH and ForgeF2 doing great.

2 years ago

Day: 35

Male ForgeF2 Auto Reg - coming along nicely

2 years ago


drdave1 Boy for sure

Day: 33

Defoliated Forge F2 Auto Reg Female with some lst. Pic on right at 8am. Pic on left at 9pm same day.

2 years ago

Day: 31

Forge F2 Auto Reg #2 Male

2 years ago

Day: 31

Defoliated Forge 2#1 and LST. SOH - LST as well. Male will come out tomorrow into tote. Queens Banner and Forgotten Cookies struggling behind from initial nutrient burn. Still no more biotab. Next week late. Around day 40. Just to be sure.

2 years ago

Day: 28

Still fighting back. All of them were watered today with Recharge added. 2.5gs for 1 gallon. Moved ForgeF2 #2 into a 1 gallon. Single biotab broken into bottom third. The other two with biotabs are clearly behind. I’ve not added the other one yet despite it being time. Giving them more time to recover.

2 years ago

Day: 28

Added recharge.

2 years ago

Day: 22

Well dammit they all look like shit and I’m over it.

2 years ago

Family Pharm Fluff

Family Pharm Fluff Flush my man got to much in the dirt run it out


OrganicDaGrower True ^^^^💪🏼

Day: 20

Watered last night. Biotabs in already Water only. Some browning on leaf tips in biotab pots. Keeping humidity hog.

2 years ago

Day: 16

Added biotabs to QB and FC. Ph water that has been evaporating for 8 days to wet them. Not so much to water. I’ll wet them again tomorrow. And then water the next day. Vacuumed the fans out (dust).

2 years ago

backwerds FC is yellowing. Not sure what’s up there. Just watching and hoping it straightens out.

Day: 13

Put the risers and saucers in. Watered the small pots (FS and SC). But the big ones are still heavy. I’ll give them at least one more day.

2 years ago

Day: 13

55% light intensity. Most of day no fan. Humidifier on low without a tube or nozzle.

2 years ago

Day: 10

Repotted into final 3 gal. Watered with fish shit and super carb again. Tent RH set to 75-80. Temps at 77-83F. Light way down at 25% (see other post about light meter). Water evaporating slowly to remove Chlorine (shrug). Extras staying in small pots.

2 years ago

backwerds Letting the water evaporate. I’ll stir it once in awhile. Link here.

Day: 10

Lux meter for light intensity check. Quick start link to SAGs lighting guide.

2 years ago

backwerds Go to this guide and check out the lux meter info. He’s got amazing info - Super Angry Guy

backwerds Lowest setting - 25% setting (sweet spot little below) - 50%. Light 26” away from seedlings.


Pushit I have that in my Amazon shopping cart! 😁

Day: 10

Increased light to 17500 Lux after overnight at 13000. I’ll lower the light next time to try to keep the heat in check for now. I’ll have to adjust up soon enough.

2 years ago

Day: 6

Watered down the sides of the plastic glass domes (around the edge of the pot but not in the middle). Removed all blue tape. Will remove domes tomorrow. No favorites really. Not yet. Can see the one Forgotten Cookies that stretched for some reason. But straightened out. Maybe the tape blocked the light on that one particularly?

2 years ago

Day: 5

Possible stretching towards light so I pulled the side tape today. I’ll probably pull the tape entirely tomorrow evening. FC is stretching. SOH leaning a little. QB and Forge looking good. Turning the tray now inside the tote to distribute the light. Watered the dirt in the pots again to keep it moist and activated.

2 years ago

Day: 4

Replaced the domes with cups as they seedlings were getting tall enough to potentially touch today.

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Just a tip growmie, I think it’s be better to put the tape around the side as to not block out light. Also seedlings don’t need to stay under humidity domes because they don’t need acclimating👍🏾👍🏾

Day: 3

All 7 above ground and moving along. Only spray bottle until small about of water over the domes and down the side of the pots tonight. No temp highs today. Bottle water only. Domes will trade out for cups tomorrow / next days

2 years ago

Day: 2

Final amendment. 2 tablespoons dolomite lime. 2 teaspoons epsom salt. Per 3 gallon. Only mixed in top 2/3 of the NLS as not to disturb the bottom amended third.

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Dolomite changes ph 👍🏾


Caliban Nice!! I use similar mix with a deep bottom layer of compost rich with fish bones for flower.

Day: 1

Actual Day 1. All 7 germinated. Into plugs into FFHF and Myc. Bottle water. Drink lid domes. Waterproof cable labels.

2 years ago


backwerds Pic 3 is 15 hours into potting. Wind deflector for fan might need some upgrading. The domes are holding that moisture in perfectly. I’ll spray the inside of the dome only tomorrow - day 2 and maybe into day 3. I wet the dirt a few days before transplanting. And kept it lidded in a 5 gallon bucket. So super moist. And then the starter plugs soaked overnight in clean bottled water (in the tote at temp). All of that water should hold these containers (especially with the domes) for at least 3-4 days.

Day: 0

Seeds soaking. Pots filled and ready. 1 SOH but 2 each of the others. Hopefully one of the Forge is a male. And then I’ll pick the best of the QB / FC.

2 years ago

backwerds 9.6 Oz of Natures Living Soil for Autoflowers per 3.2oz / gallon pot and I have 3 gallons.

backwerds Queens Banner - NightOwl Seeds Fem Auto Forgotten Cookies - Mephisto Fem Auto Super Orange Haze - Mephisto Fem Auto Forge F2 Auto Reg - Gnome Automatics

Day: 0

Queens Banner with a tail only 24 hours after going into water

2 years ago

Day: 0

Starter Pots - FFHF - and mycorrhizae - watered with super carb and fish shit - left to bake for 4-5 days until the seeds are ready.

2 years ago