
My first indoor grow

Help me along with my first journey

5/5/7 ipower tent with 3 MarHydro led 600w lights

Gorilla glue

Day 93 (Week 14)

21 updates

126 photos

Day: 93


Getting real big and smelly

6 years ago

Gurkinmee You should of Scrog this mate, you would of got a nice yield! Looking really nice mate, how are they smelling?

Shamar718 Yeah but then how will I get around and move around in the air to water?


Electrcx Nice looking garden!! 👍🏻

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Day: 87


Been on 12/12 two week now ...what you think?

6 years ago

noreasonwhy Hey man, I was worried my plants were small but now seeing the growth you have, Ive put my mind at ease.. it’s my first grow in a tent too check it out and let me know what you think? Also what’s the actual wattage of the mars 600s? I have 2 cheap lights running about 140w together

Day: 69

Everything so far so good think I’m a wait another month before I put to flower I want to utilize all the height I have available and my tent

6 years ago

Day: 56


Still have them on 18\6 The one plant is showing a little discoloration other than that these girls can suck up some water tell me what you think?

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Think you need to do it on your own hahaha! You look ok to me other then the deficiencies

Day: 44


Everything going ok just topped the big girls for the second time what you think?

6 years ago

420Trout How do you like the Co2 bag? Think it makes a big difference?

Day: 38


Been using just cal-mag seen some burn on the girls everything going ok I guess I think I’m toppp the small one soon ...tell me what you think?

6 years ago

Joshin_yah Yes top them, and possibly some LST, on the smaller ones will help Bush them out more

Joshin_yah Remember less is more with the nutrients!

Day: 32


What you think?

6 years ago

Day: 30


Transferred the three big girls 5gal fabric pots and the other five transfer to 3 gallon fabric pots Turn the third light on and gave them some food what you think ?

6 years ago

Day: 28


Notice that one of my plans Look like it has burn marks.? just toped these three girls to days ago Also going to be transferring everything into 5 gallon fabric pots....tell me want you think

6 years ago

Gooeytarist I think your setup looks awesome, man. Those plants look amazing. I’m brand new to growing, and I’m looking for an indoor setup. Where did you get yours? Roughly how much does it cost to get started? I appreciate any help you can give me.

Shamar718 Thanks bro I got mostly everything off amazon in all I spend around 500 my tent is 5ft/5ft/7ft just go for it man this my first grow everything seems to be going ok you’ll learn so much as you go along

Day: 25

decided to move things around a little bit today ...tell me what you think?

6 years ago

Ford20 Stacking up nicely, I would top those girls soon. Its hard to see the colour with the blurple so if you can change the lights spectrum for their photo shoots that would be awesome.

FOFAOUSA Why the humidifier for? Sorry for the stupid question, I’m studying for my first grow

Day: 24

What you think..?

6 years ago

Smogginwoggin I’m jealous! You got some bushy beasts haha..

Shamar718 Lol thanks bro its my. First time

Day: 21

Things going great

6 years ago

Smogginwoggin Those are some true beauties!

Day: 18


Looking good

6 years ago

DoJo Nice looking plants/setup! How big is your tent? Also, what nutrients do you use?

Shamar718 @DoJo the tent is 5ft/5ft/7ft I had only used cal-mag

Day: 17

The girls are taking off the thing I added was cal mag lights on 18-6

6 years ago

Day: 13


Everything coming along I guess

6 years ago

Day: 11


My plans weren’t growing I was dealing with a Low humidity high temperature issue every since I got a cool mist humidifier My humidity went up and temperature came down I also hit the plans for some fertilizer and everything was coming along now and put five more seeds in the soil

6 years ago

Day: 7


Any help these guys are really growing slow!!,!,

6 years ago

Widdows420 How often are you watering?

Shamar718 Whenever it feels dry just watered them today And today my cool mist humidifier because I was struggling with humidity so now the humidity is around 50% it was at like 25 33% and my temperature averaging around 85-88 degrees but today Intake fan came in and it’s averaging around 80°

Shamar718 @widdows420

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Day: 5


6 years ago

Widdows420 Post pics of your setup

Day: 3


Three out of five pop one of them did not germinate and the other Died looks like their shtretching a bit currently got Them underneath a 600w marsHydro LED light Please comet any recommendation on watering And nutrient

6 years ago

Day: 2


Only three out of five seeds popped out my lights come on at 6am and turn off at 8pn

6 years ago

Day: 1


Only been one night in the paper towel

6 years ago

FlubberDuck101 Is that the mars hydro ligjt

Shamar718 Yes I have 3 of them in there

Widdows420 How many successful grows have you done?

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