Critical Purple
Summer 2020
5 plants
Critical Purple
Day 78 (Week 12)
12 updates
17 photos
Day: 78
Getting heavy might need to tie her to keep from breaking the stem.
4 years ago
Day: 66
Lost 1 to Rust fungus. This is the best of the bunch now. From now on all outside plants stay outside.
4 years ago
Day: 53
All plants putting on weight! Buds are thickening and gaining in size!
4 years ago
Day: 42
Plant is 36 inches tall. On heavy feed schedule. Defoliating yellow leaves and slow bud sites.
5 years ago
Day: 33
Using tap water until I figure out the RO water issue. Burn spots on leaves from a K or P deficiency. Flushed the media to keep salt down on 2 plants that were spotting. May go that route with remaining plants.
5 years ago
Day: 27
Entered the stretch phase with preflowers popping up all over.
5 years ago
Day: 22
Plants are about 8-9 inches tall on 18/6 light schedule. Still only need to water 1 since the pots are still”heavy” using FWWWF schedule on Heavy feed. Still have 1 runt.
5 years ago
Day: 20
Into the 4x4tent! Added a 600w Burple light. Changed the feeding schedule to heavy + Silica
5 years ago
Day: 16
Bought Exhale C02 bag.Set it up in the stall. Purchased Botanicare Silica Blast. PPM w/heavy feeding schedule is 920PPM need to find something to use that last 80 PPM still out there.
5 years ago
Day: 14
3 indoor 2 outside Bought the tent to move them all into the garage... The biggest is thickened nicely, after I put them in their final pots. Next week we LST!
5 years ago
Day: 9
Lost one seedling, so we are officially at 54-5 are doing from great to ok, with 1 girl lagging behind. Fed them a combination of General Hydroponics BioThrive/Super Thrive and GenHydroponics Cal-Mag. I have them on a FWWFWW schedule using the light feeding parameters.
5 years ago
Day: 5
Plants 1 inch tall 18-6 light cycle light nutrients.
5 years ago