

Triks Autos


2 autos in 3 gallon pots with 50/50 Happy Frog and Ocean Forest. Peat moss center. Planted 5/24/23. Triangle Kush x Triangle Kush - Twenty20 Auto

Triks aka Triangle Kush

Day 63 (Week 9)


34 updates

94 photos

Day: 63



a year ago


SaviiBuds 😂🤣🤣 I promise my dick is bigger than yours little guy. I pull girls that you can only have wet dreams of. Get the fuck off my page. You can’t walk around looking like the Wish version of Ed Sheeran and call someone else ugly. I have lots of gay friends being part of the LGBTQ community. Which of them are you referring to?


BanjoBuds Savii you did ask for this. You were a total bitch calling him ugly. Instead of calling him out on being a racist and a cultural appropriater, you chose to be a vain petty bitch and insult his appearance. I hate this guy……..I think he needs his ass whipped for being a racist and trying to steal Native American culture. But you Savii, pissed me off even more. You look like a trap whore. So maybe just shut the fuck up and don’t attack peoples appearance. Attack him for being a racist, attack him for being an asshole. But don’t be cunt ass bitch and insult someone’s physical appearance.


SaviiBuds 😂😂😂 okay homeboy. Have you seen the whole thing? Have you seen what he has been saying to other growers? Get off my post little man, no one was talking to you or asked for your opinion

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Day: 54

Fed. They are done stretched and starting to pack on a little bit of weight. They smell piney and lemony right now.

a year ago


SaviiBuds Listen little boy, you don’t tell me what to do. Do you understand that there is more than 1 way to reverse a plant? Since you know so much 🙄 I pray to God everyday that a man will never want to take care of me. My wife does an excellent job 😘

Day: 52


Watered last night, starting to get some frost.

a year ago

Day: 50


Fed last night

a year ago


Jake-the-Bud She is going to be huge for an auto!

Day: 48


So many tops

a year ago

tonik one

tonik one Your plants look good and healthy they all autos?


SaviiBuds Thank you! 4 of them are autos and 4 are photos. I’m running 4 different cultivars and popped 2 seeds of each 😊

Day: 45

Fed last night.

a year ago


organic_grower Beautiful!! Nice work !!!


SaviiBuds Thank you!! Can’t wait for them to start stacking 😍


Jackstraw455 My first time using auto’s. Any pruning or topping?

Day: 42

Love seeing all the little bud sites forming 😍

a year ago

Day: 40


Fed last night and a few leaves taken from each to expose some bud sites.

a year ago

Day: 38

Much happier after the little bit of water to hold her over until tonight.

a year ago

Day: 37

The darker one is drinking faster than the other. I gave it a pint of just pHd water to hold it over until tomorrow night when everyone else will need to be fed/watered.

a year ago


Jake-the-Bud Nice and even canopy! Lookin great!


SaviiBuds Thank you growmie 💚💚

Day: 36

Watered last night. Final defol on both. Moved the lights up to encourage them to stretch more this last week.

a year ago

Day: 35

Happy girls

a year ago

Day: 34

Fed last night. The smaller has almost caught up to the other one in size. Same strain, but very different structure.

a year ago

Day: 32

Spreading out nice

a year ago

Day: 30

Continuing LST, they are in stretch for sure. Roughly a quart of water + silica tonight

a year ago

Day: 25

Tips have all turned back up after lst

a year ago How many days was is before you switch to a big pot mine are in a lil gallon one it’s been 15 days


saviibaby I started mine in their final pots. Nvm I see omg yours look nice good job

Day: 24

I was able to spread the both out quite a bit with LST. I also took 2 or 3 leaves from each that were hindering light penetration. Slight burned edges on leaves from IPM spray that was too acidic due to my pH pen being off

2 years ago

Day: 23

Moved to 3x3

2 years ago

Day: 21

Hair is a little messy from leaf tucking. Both are showing signs of sex but not in full flower yet. Fed again tonight because they are showing slight signs of deficiency.

2 years ago

Day: 19

Both were fed transition nutes last night. The smaller one has pistols popping. The bigger one is showing sex, but did not have pistols visible with the naked eye at lights out.

2 years ago

Day: 17


Each had about a pint of 6.5 water with 5:2 and recharge. Roots are popping out of the bottom of both pots

2 years ago


phriedphoenix Nice 👍

Day: 15


LST started on both

2 years ago

Day: 12


5:2 Foliar before lights out

2 years ago

Day: 11


Day 11 out of the soil

2 years ago

Day: 10


Kicked the light up to 60%. Definitely no light stress, everyone is praying this morning

2 years ago

Day: 9


Still growin strong! 9 days out of the soil.

2 years ago

Day: 8


3rd node starting to appear on both. The bigger one is showing signs of potential light stress on the new leaves right before lights out. It could also just be the way the leaves are growing. I’ll keep an eye on it for the next 24 hours or so and make necessary adjustments

2 years ago

Day: 7


Looking good before lights out. They’ve been out of the soil for a week today.

2 years ago

Day: 6


Second node has started to separate. Foliar spray of 5:2 blend +Yucca and IPM before lights out

2 years ago

Day: 6


Each drank a pint of 6.2 water + 5:2

2 years ago


lancers223 Any advice on first time ph control kit user testing house tap water


Caliban Lots of good Ph pens out there. I use blue lab. About $30. Vinegar for ph down and Sodium Bicarbonate for Up


Caliban Most tap ph is town water should be around 7.1- 7.3

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Day: 5


Still growin

2 years ago

Day: 4

Thriving, both have a second set of true leaves forming

2 years ago

Day: 3


Bottom watered with recharge and pHd water

2 years ago

Day: 1

Popped through soil. IPM foliar spray

2 years ago