
First Grow

End of February 24

Planted one seed directly into the soil (15L of soil and mixed with bio nutrients) and another 2 seed with a dump cloth method.

Green Crack

Day 62 (Week 9)


7 updates

9 photos

Day: 62


a year ago

Day: 26

Is the size normal for 3 weeks?

a year ago


@eaegifts No, itโ€™s very behind but itโ€™s some nice ppl here that can/will help you. Youโ€™ll need to give some information about your setup ie soil, lights, nutrients etc. Another place to ask is on Reddit in any of the many weed subs but particularly Microgrowery ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

Day: 18

I experienced a minor accident due to the extremely windy weather. Iโ€™ve provided some support and am keeping my fingers crossed, hoping it will make it through ๐Ÿ™

a year ago


combatmedic81 If I can make a suggestion- place a fan somewhere near where a little breeze blows onto it, this will help strengthen the stem

bambinellu Thanks a lot for your feedback

Day: 14


a year ago

Day: 6


a year ago

rabidreject2 I love seeing thisโ€ฆitโ€™s like thank fuck

Day: 4

Transferring the germinated seed into the soil ๐Ÿ˜Š

a year ago

Day: 3

I am very happy that had my first germination. Still waiting for the other two ๐Ÿ˜Š

a year ago