

Piss On Fire

Fall Harvest

Got 9 regular seeds, how many will be girls?

Piss On Fire

Day 107 (Week 16)

7 updates

11 photos

Day: 107

These are now part of the Primal punch run. Check out the Primal Punch grow further updates.

4 years ago


Greenstalk Looks great!!


noobnomore44 Thanks! This pic is of a old run. Check out my Primal Punch run!

Day: 72

These are about to go into flower shortly. They are in 1 gallon pots at the moment. After I transplant them they are going to explode!

4 years ago

Day: 52

Found one to be a boy so I tossed him. But 2 of them are girls, I’ll wait to see if the third one is a girl or not.

4 years ago


Caliban Feminized photos the way to go! No heartache.


noobnomore44 True, so true!


Caliban No males in the Harem.

Day: 25

They probably could use more humidity but they are ok.

4 years ago

Day: 10

Looking good!

4 years ago

Day: 3

Just put the seedlings in the solo cups yesterday. I got 7 of the 9 to sprout so, not bad! (Peyote WiFi in the middle)

4 years ago

Day: 0

Just put these regular seeds in the paper towels. If these were all girls that would be amazing!

4 years ago


dale2216 Try perlite , in a zip loc Less chance of smothering , pic on my profile is less then 24 hrs in some perlite in a ziploc


noobnomore44 Thanks but this way has always worked for me


dale2216 100% of all seeds take for you ?

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