Green Futures
The Tale of Wendy “Tha Widow” White
A life, hopefully, well lived .
White Widow Autos. My second run at Autos.
White Widow Auto
Day 50 (Week 8)
11 updates
19 photos
Day: 50
Little bit of cleanup to make em breezy. No PM in this hut thank you very much. Watered with light nootz till piddles.
2 days ago
Day: 39
Moar nootz.
13 days ago
Day: 33
Bare till piddles.
20 days ago
Day: 27
Month is roughly up. Light nootz till wet. No piddles.
25 days ago
Day: 24
Moved the girls back to the 2x4 with the 100w. They need to stay 18. The 4x4 is moving to flower mode. Wetted bare till piddles. Topped and trimmed in prep for flower.
a month ago
Day: 17
Veg begins. Wetted in a circle to promote roots.
a month ago
Day: 11
We been spritzin and spritzing and stratzin and blah blah blah. 2 of 3 survived tha germ. In their life long pots now.
a month ago
Day: 6
2 of 3 above the crust! Woooo!!! Spritz spritz!
2 months ago
Day: 3
Taps popped. Didn’t realize I didn’t have enough dirt to do 3 3gals. Oops. Got one filled, then went for cups. Ha. I didn’t have any solo cups either. So I’m temp stuck with those hard plastic cups that you can’t put holes in or they shatter. Oh well. At least it’s clear, I can move em when they show some root action low. Wetness applied.
2 months ago
Day: 0
Wetted me up some seeds. Got my new tent coming tomorrow, so I’ll have all the space I need. I’m gonna switch nootz brands for this one. Thinking about foop, or something other than FF. I got a month to figure it out.
2 months ago
boomerblesi What about the yellow bottle nute line was thinking on going that route for my next grow