

1st Time Grower: Chocolope

Planted Seed May 12th, 2022 - Broke Soil May 13th, 2022

First time growing cannabis. Went with Chocolope as my first strain/genotype. Began germination by pre-soaking seed for 24 hours. Planted it in Jiffy Peat Pellet. Seedling broke soil within 24 hours of being planted. Using FECiDA 600W Dimmable LED Grow Light CR600 and VIVOHOME 10 Inch x 20.75 Inch Waterproof Seedling Heat Mat. 18 / 6 light cycle. Kept soil warm, around 80 degrees until seed broke through. Then dropped temp to 75-78 degrees.


Day 96 (Week 14)



11 updates

24 photos

Day: 96


Update: almost 2 weeks into flower. She is looking good and healthy!

3 years ago


organic_grower Looks good. 👍 you should clean up the bottom of you plant and send all that energy to top. 👊


Node.Hacker Is it too late to do so? Due to it being 2 weeks into flower, will it put too much stress on her?

Day: 42

She is growing strong and healthy. Topped her for the 2nd and last time a few days ago. Her low stress training is going well. I have also recently pruned her to get rid of the low foliage and the center leaves because she was getting too bushy. Now she has much better airflow.

3 years ago

Day: 30


Advice/help needed! She is growing nice and bushy, but a couple of leaves have wilty patches. Is this disease? Or is it just because she is bushy and leaves are laying on top of each other causing leaf rot?

3 years ago


Caliban What is the water ph? It also looks like a touch of N over feeding.


Node.Hacker The ph is 6.5. I did over feed it once during its early veg stage and was able to correct the issue. This leaf was being developed during that over feeding period, but it never showed this deteriorating look until a day or two ago. Should I just clip the bad looking leaves? There are only 2-3 leaves that look like this.


Caliban Nah. Keep the leaves. Whatever this issue it is mild. Keep those leaves until they are really damaged. You can always clip the leaf tips to keep them off the soil too

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Day: 25


Topped her for the first time 2 days ago and she is so strong that she didn’t show any signs of stress. Already showing a lot of healthy growth on the two new shoots.

3 years ago

Day: 12

She is still growing strong.

3 years ago

Day: 8

Advice needed. Is the slight yellowing of edges indicating early signs of nitrogen deficiency? If so, would a very light side dressing of shrimp meal be good that has NPK of 6-6-0?

3 years ago


@eaegifts Doubtful to have a deficiency do early in good soil. Try spacing your watering, make sure she dries before watering again 👍🏾👍🏾


Node.Hacker Ok, cool. Thanks! I have watered it 2 times and I usually test the top inch with my finger…but I have kept a humidity dome on it a lot. I probably need to let it air out more.


@eaegifts Yea the humidity dome is actually a bad idea. Lots of ppl do it for seedlings but it’s actually not needed. Clones need a dome and then to be acclimated so when you keep a seedling in there it sorta needs to acclimate as well. I’d mist her only and let the media dry out before watering again ph6.3-6.6 if soil

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Day: 7


Welcomed her to her new home. Using the AC Infinity Advance Grow System 2x2, Integrated Grow Tent Kit. 2x2 is too snug to fit both the carbon filter and the exhaust fan, so I placed it on the outside and mounted it on the wall. Digging it so far!

3 years ago

Day: 5

Transplanted peat pellet over to a 1.75 pint container while I cook my own batch of organic nutrient soil. She keeps growing and looking healthy.

3 years ago

AlUpNorth Heck yeah


NMcannabisGarden Good luck! Looks happy so far👍🏼


NMcannabisGarden I’m really liking the peat pellets for my girls these days too

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Day: 3

Woke her up this morning with 60% of my 600W grow light. Upped it to 75% midway in the day. Gave her a light mist of water and put the dome back on. Soil temps were between 75-78 degrees most of the day.

3 years ago

Day: 3


Took dome off to give a bit of fresh air and check soil dampness. Cotyledons are starting to curl and she is starting to fan out her first set of leaves. Keeping light at 75% until bedtime.

3 years ago

Day: 2

She broke soil within 24 hours of being planted.

3 years ago