Blue Demon regular, micro indoor+top+LST
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Germinando um dia antes da lua cheia.
Blue Demon (Blue Dream)
Day 77 (Week 11)
12 updates
48 photos
Day: 77

Still in veg
6 years ago
Day: 65

The Blue Demon liked the new 7L pot! She is developing well. Although, it always seems as she is a little down. Leaves are really pointy and narrow. Anyway, continues to grow and develop.
6 years ago
Day: 59

I lost the Inside Light Auto. But the Blue Demon is growing well. Nice branches. It has shown the sex: it’s a girl!!
6 years ago
Day: 53

The Blue Demon is showing some indication of sex, I would say female? Anyway, she is growing nicely, responded well to the topping and the lst. I've done a dry shock as I suspected over watering. It seems to have worked. The poor Inside Light Auto seems a lost case, my last attampt was to strip down almost all fan leaves to see if she can focus on new growth.
6 years ago
Day: 39

Plants are not happy. Not sure what it is. I am suspecting it is due a great pH fluctuations when I used, during 10 days, pure tap water. So it may be the stress. Don't know. New growth on top seems fine. But I am still worried.
6 years ago
Day: 36

It seems the Northern Light Auto (right on first picture) is recovering well.
6 years ago
Day: 32

After three days away, I found my little 1 week old Northern Light auto with yellowing leaves. The yellowing starts from the center to the ends. Searching for what it could be, possible iron or sulfur deficiency. Probably caused by water pH imbalance. I am back on using @flowermind organic fertilizer, that regulates the pH by itself. I am really hopping to not lose this one too. The Blue Demon (Blue Dream variant), is going ok. The stem is really thin, but after losing the first couple real leaves, she seems to be recuperating well.
6 years ago
Day: 27

I lost one Blue Demon.... I think I might have overfert a bit. Also, awhile they were on their first two weeks, they were outside, in a very cloudy weather. That maybe explains why they stretched so much. So one died, the taller one. The one with a “curly” stem lost is first leaves, but recuperated very well. New leaves seem healthy. I also stoped with fert for over a week now. To fill the growbox, I quickly germinated a Northern Light Auto. In a couple of days one seed germinated. She is now on the same pot where the BD died. And with 4 days, she is coming really nice! Having it placed under a strong light is making a clear difference in the stem width, when compared with the BDs that started with indirect light. I think I will another week to start fertilizing again.
6 years ago
Day: 17

Transplanted the plants to a couple of 2l felter pots. The taller one seemed stressed and are about to lose two leaves. The shorter one is thriving, it seems.
6 years ago
Mystrain420 They’re gonna grow slow in pots that big since they don’t have root mass yet. Be very careful not to over water
zedascouve420 Thanks bro. I’ve learned the lesson... I will watch out for overwatering
Day: 15

Two plants are coming along great. The other two seeds are a lost case, I believe. I am wondering when should I transfer to their medium....
6 years ago
Dankhalo I’d get them Into something a bit larger after few more days. Get some low wind on them ASAP and maybe more light. They’re either stretching for light or their not producing the hormone for a stiffer stalk. Adding a fan will help produce this hormone
zedascouve420 Thank you very much. I will do that right away. They are still outdoor, kinda. In my open garage. Not direct sunlight, but pretty bright. We have had a pretty rainy week, grey sky. I am waiting some new fans to install in my grow box this week, so I can place them inside.
Mystrain420 Looking ok but kinda stretched. I’d repot into a solo cup and leave only about 1” of stem showing. The rest thats buried will just grow roots. Don’t transplant to anything big or they’ll grow slower since u can’t feed as much.
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Day: 6

Das 4. Duas germinaram. Todas passadas para o propagador hoje. Uma germinada no substrato e outra no jiff.
6 years ago
zedascouve420 O substrato foi formado com, três partes substrato mix GreenPower (coco, perlita, vermiculita, neem), uma parte turfa vegetal, uma parte guano de coelho. O substrato foi regado com 12 horas de antecedência com a configuração de Vega da Flowermind. Nas duas sementes que não germinaram, coloquei uma pitada de ácido gibralerico (ou algo assim).
Day: 0

Start germinating process tonight. Cup of water technique. Começando germinação as 22 horas.
6 years ago
zedascouve420 Germinando 4 sementes blue demon (blue dream), regulares, fotossensível. Colocado em pote com água mineral. Um dias antes da lua cheia, a noite. Fornecedor @brazseed