Purple Haze - GCS - Fox Farm Soil
3 FEM Photo Seeds
Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil & Fox Farm Nutes
Purple Haze
Day 53 (Week 8)
15 updates
31 photos
Day: 53

Week 3 flowering- trimmed a few lower fan leafs. Moved clip on fan to bottom of tent to circulate more air flow. Exhaust fan set on high speed. All bud sites look like they have a cool gentle breeze.
4 years ago
Day: 52

Week 3 flowering - twist tied 3 tall branches to the side . Fed 1 tsp grow big 2 tsp tiger bloom 3 tsp big bloom 1/4 beasty blooms.
4 years ago
Day: 47

Week 2 flowering. Fed 3 tsp big bloom 2 tsp tiger bloom 1/4 open sesame. Ph 6.0 ppm 900... gave 1.5 liter each. Next feeding i will be switching to beasty bloomz and adding 1 tsp grow big in the mix. Hopefully these lady’s are almost done stretching!
4 years ago
Day: 44

Week 2 of flowering: Bottom defoliation on day 40 and fed 2 tsp big bloom 2 tsp tiger bloom and 1/4 open sesame. gave each 1.2 liter water ph 6.1 ppm 860. Plain 1 liter water this morning. will feed nutrients again on Friday.
4 years ago
Day: 37

Week 1 day 2 of flowering - bottom colas stretching up to even out top canopy. Large healthy green leafs. Lights go out at 12am and lights come back on at 12pm. Small outside heater set on low goes off at 4am to maintain a little heat during dark period.
4 years ago
Day: 36

3 tsp big bloom 2 tsp tiger bloom 2 tsp grow big. Water ph 6.0 ppm 1600. All look healthy growing fast. Will be switching to flowering stage Tonight!! :)
4 years ago
Day: 32

LST and Fed 2 tsp grow big & 2 tsp big bloom in 1 gallon. Gave 1.5 liter water each. PH 6.6 PPM 840 will switch lights 12/12 to start flowering stage this Sunday at 5 weeks to avoid to much height stretch. All look nice and green and healthy growing strong stems! :)
4 years ago
Day: 30

LST and 1/4 teaspoon open sesame in 1 gallon water ph 6.5
4 years ago
Day: 28

Week 4 - Topped and watered ph 6.4 nutrients added 1 tsp grow big and 3 tsp big bloom to 1 gallon water. Will flip to flower in 14 days. So far looking pretty good!
4 years ago
Day: 25

12am gave Water ph 6.4 1 liter no nutes added .. growing fast no deficiencies. :)
4 years ago
Day: 22

Veg week 1 no nutes 1 liter water ph 6.4
4 years ago
Day: 15

Transplanted 3 purple haze plants into 3 gallon smart pots. Gave 1 liter water ph 6.4.... looking pretty good!!
4 years ago
Day: 9

All 3 Seedlings Same size. Purple Haze #3. Moved to Main Light. Spray bottle water ph 6.3 Temp 77 f. Humidity 50% Heater Low Fan Low.
4 years ago
Day: 3

Successful germination :) all 3 seedlings were planted in happy frog soil and lightly watered and placed inside grow tent. Stay tuned in and help me grow this beautiful lady
4 years ago