
Critical x AK-47 AUTO

First Propper Grow

I’ve done a stealth grow before but knew NOTHING and had stretchy weak duds. Now I’m finally setting up a proper grow for those big nugs. Starting with 3 Critical x AK-47 that all germinated beautifully and are already sprouting in my 2’x4’ grow tent. Fingers crossed...I’ve got more seeds on the way and this sounds like the perfect pandemic hobby.

Critical x AK-47

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 0

Grow tent setup minus carbon filter/ exhaust and Mars Hydro light- on the way.

5 years ago

Vermontgrower You should update your post

Day: 0

All 3 seeds germinated beautifully with the paper towel method. Never had tap roots this long!

5 years ago

Day: 0

Here’s all 3 of them...

5 years ago