
Clone 2

Summer 2018

Paired with the $100, first set of clones. My brother and I are caring for both the clones. Also placed in Fox Farms Soil and sprayed with Neem Oil 70% to help with spider mites and aphids.

Sunset Sherbet

Day 87 (Week 13)

5 updates

16 photos

Day: 87

08/05Sunset Sherbet has grown almost twice its size since last update. Have been feeding floragro 5ml/gallon and florabloom 15ml/gallon. Leaves has started to yellow and die off; have been maintaining trimming of the dead leaves Over 100 degree weather I will shade between the hours of 11-3 to prevent the leaves from burning and I have found the plants live this routine. I give about two gallons of water in a regular feed since it is in a 15 gallon pots and once a month I place a soil patty on top to keep some nutrients in the roots.

7 years ago

Day: 65

7/13- plant has grown well and nicely. Gave it some floragro about a week ago. Replaced smaller cage with a larger one. Also added a nice soil patty to the top of the plant

7 years ago

Day: 46


6/24-Sunset sherbet just had a growth spree, literally has shot up within the last few weeks. I have tried LST and I’d say the bit that I did has been successful. I assume it is showing signs of pre growth since I am seeing little white hairs appear around the new growth and around where the nodes meet up. Given a neem treatment on 6/23. Praying mantis that was living on the plant before has not been spotted since the neem treatment was given.

7 years ago

Day: 16

Plant has been burned with neem oil and I’m don’t treating. Now just trying to get back to regular programming. Gave them a trim yesterday 5/24

7 years ago

Day: 3

Plant is in good condition although began to notice whitening at the bottom of the stem near the soil.

7 years ago