IG @stick_e_fingerz2

IG @stick_e_fingerz2

Coco grow

Sept 2024

Copy Cat Genetixx Everglades OG - Kings Gold Genetics Cherry 🍒 Stunna


Day 2 (Week 1)

1 update

1 photo

Day: 2

24 hrs since drop

6 months ago

RichMcflyy Yoooo StickE!! Good to see you still goin hard my guy 😎 Keep up the great work man 🔥 Also,, couldn’t help but notice the growth of the brand since the last time I was on this app!! Congrats Growmie 💯

IG @stick_e_fingerz2

IG @stick_e_fingerz2 Respect brother we keepin it movin! 💯✅👊😎