

Alien Og x Dos-i-Dos

Fem 3

Started in AeroGarden, humidity domes, working on keeping temps up

Alien OGx DiD

Day 191 (Week 28)

5 updates

20 photos

Day: 191

Cut and dried. Really enjoying the high. A little sleepy but also a little energetic. Nice finish. Root system not too packed.

a year ago

Day: 135

One failed to germinate. Slow germination overall, but strong seedlings. LED full spectrum, 18/6, temps in upper 60s lower 70s, humidity holding around 50%, fan on. Rotating to correct bed towards light. Using the black LED.

2 years ago

Day: 71


Growing tall and skinny. Responded really well to bending. Temps getting high (88 F max) during peak of day. Humidity good. Fan on. Gave one dose (approx 2/3 teaspoons) of Grow Big fertilizer (6-4-4,fox farms) and Tiger Bloom (2-8-4, fox farms). Plant responded really well. Color changed a little more than the Banana OG and Cafe Racer but the plant seemed to benefit more. I have a good feeling about this one!

2 years ago

Day: 42


Looking good. some bug damage while I was gone. Color is pretty healthy. Growth back on track. 70-75F humidity 40-60, humidifier shutting off after inactive for a period of time.

2 years ago

Day: 1

Seeds popped. Temps in 80s, humidity domes working. Have not touched or disturbed.

2 years ago