Citrus Soother/Lt. Dan Test for Subcool
Summer 2019
Germination complete, planted 6 Citrus Soother, 2 Lt. Dan(Day1), (Day2), 4 Citrus Soother, 1 Lt. Dan, (Day3) 2 Lt. Dan. I am a test grower for Subcool
Citrus Soother- (ZestxPennywise)50/50 CBD, Lt. Dan (Dank Commander x Goji OG)
Day 32 (Week 5)
18 updates
41 photos
Day: 32
Transplant will happen this week. They’re ready.
6 years ago
Day: 30
Fungus Gnats are slowly diminishing due to the sticky traps throughout the grow area. I believe now all the problems have stemmed from these little bastards.
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz You lucky mofo! I’d love to test grow some of Subcools genetics, good gig bro I’m subbed to see these girls grow 😎
MasterAlchemist I can probably get you some unreleased strains or strain if you are interested. I get them free so there would be no point in me charging you. We are a growing community so from one grower to another you know.
MasterAlchemist Transplanting will commence shortly......
Day: 26
I have determined the problem of the three plants, and surprised the others haven’t followed suit. Fungus Gnats are the culprits. I have since bought sticky traps and they’re working.
6 years ago
Day: 20
Observed again and i believe they are slowly coming out of the slump the three are in.
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist The two runts of the bunch are in the very middle. Easily noticeable.
Day: 19
Checked pH runoff on plants that seemed to be what I thought had a pH problem, but this is not the case. The pH is perfect at 6.8 so my next conclusion was that it is a Macronutrient due its mobility throughout the plant. Only three are like this out of the 15 being tested. Will update again when i correct and have sure diagnosis and prognosis.
6 years ago
Day: 17
Fertilized lightly, WEEK 2. Plants still seem to be thriving under the LED’s. I see some heavy Indica-Dominance in quite a few, two are sort that lanky like males normally are but one never knows until they start sexing. Flower tent is almost setup again as I bought brand new equipment since these i am testing for Subcool and need the best possible results.
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist In two days these plants look completely different. The way they have rapidly grown is astounding.
MasterAlchemist pH is in the range of 6.5-6.7
Day: 15
I only have four Air Pots, so females only will be transplanted into these. They are expensive as it is costing $18.00 plus per pot. I have read the science on the Air Pots and will Be buying more. I will transplant two Citrus Soother, and two Lt. Dan. The remainder going the standard 5-gal nursery container.
6 years ago
Day: 14
Regular Watering. Next watering will be considered WEEK 2 Fertilization. I did not fertilize this time because they simply did not need it.
6 years ago
LegalizeNY On day 14 with my citrus soother and mine nodes are really close o had to tp once already because I messed up by putting my baby into a 5g I'm a newbie but a close friend of will and Queen v trying to learn but concerned I'm past the brink of fixing it I messaged you on ig as well any help would be appreciated if you had the time
LegalizeNY Not only my nodes but my leafs as well
Day: 13
This is just an update on characteristics, indica/sativa percentage as this is unreleased strains im testing for Subcool
6 years ago
Day: 12
Plants after yesterday’s watering. Regular watering, next watering will be WEEK 2 Fertilization.
6 years ago
Day: 11
As for distinguishing the exact proportions of Sativa/Indica Dominance I am unclear. Just by looking at the plants, based on appearance as of right now it is either 50/50, or 60/40 I would say. To early to tell really right now.
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist Seem to be responding well to the LED Lighting so far. From the canopy it is exactly 23”. Believe that I will move it up to 25”-26” just to be on the safe side so the strains can adapt well to the change.
Day: 10
Have switched on the LED Lighting now.
6 years ago
Day: 9
Regular watering, pH water at 7.0 due to that the run will be .5 lower than what I pH the water at.
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist Reverse Osmosis water is to volatile to use as the pH changes rapidly even when walking from one room to another. I going to try spring water once flowering hits, or before, I am doing research on the best spring water for cannabis if any. I am using tap right now and thats why the pH runoff is .5 lower than the original pH’d water. I have an RO Machine just like i said it is to volatile.
MasterAlchemist I have never grown either of these strains, so pay close attention to everything that changes, doesn’t change, slightly change. Will be switching to combination of LED and T5 within one week. It is time.
Day: 8
Have to raise humidity just a touch, or let the soilless media dry up a bit before next watering. A couple plants have the common leaf edge waves i call them. Other than that they are healthy, vibrant seedlings.
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist A slight pH adjustment may be in order as well. Will check and determine whether how much to adjust accordingly.
MasterAlchemist Once big enough I am transplanting into 5-gal Air Pots. I have never used them before, but I have read amazing things about them and the science behind the air pot.
Day: 5
Going to apply first very light feeding. Now that roots are established. Considered to be WEEK 1-Fertilization
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist Light Fertilization- Micro-0.3ml Grow-0.3ml Bloom-0. 3ml Carboload-1ml Sensi Cal/Mag-0.5ml
MasterAlchemist This is one of the last grows i will be using Synthetic/Organic Fertilizer. I will be switching to complete organic growing. I am making super soil, but it is not yet ready for use. It has to mature before i can use it so I don’t have a choice as of now until it is finished maturing.
Day: 4
Plants seem to be thriving in the Roots Organic Soil. Will be giving first light feeding soon so it will give them the boost they need to grow properly.
6 years ago
Day: 3
Currently on 18/6 Vegetative Light Cycle. Performing very in Roots Organic Soil so far. A light feeding will be applied once past the true leafs.
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist A new Vegetative Tent is in order. Start searching for highest quality.
Day: 2
All seeds germinated 100% Germination Rate. Planted in Roots Organic Soil in 4” starter pots. 10 Citrus Soother, 5 Lt. Dan. I always start seedling under T5’s then once big enough, strong enough switch to LED for Vegetative Phase.
6 years ago
MasterAlchemist This is a test grow for Subcool i am doing. These are unreleased strains.
MasterAlchemist Citrus Soother- Unreleased. 1:1 CBD-THC. 13%:13% The Zest x Pennywise Lt. Dan- Unreleased Dank Commander x Goji OG