

20 gallon outdoor mystery seed

Outdoor mystery seed

I found a bag of mystery seeds last year that I think were stashed by a previous schizophrenic tenant. I started 6 seeds in paper towels on 4/20 after taking shrooms and forgot about them for around 9 days before I remembered to plant them. After the first few weeks I was down to 2 remaining plants. One of which barely grows and I keep around for the lols. The other one however is growing beautifully in a 20 gallon fabric pot, has a wonderful structure and female pre flowers!


Day 124 (Week 18)



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20 photos

Day: 124


I had a lot of sudden yellowing over the past few days. Testing water runoff revealed a super low ph so I flushed it thoroughly. I’m sure it was human error while PHing my water, I’m just not sure how my system broke down and why none of my other vegetables seem problematic. Aside from that the buds are looking great, I can smell them as soon as I step out the back door! Hopefully flushing is an easy fix, it would be heartbreaking to lose the plant at this stage

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts She looks like she’s hungry for nitrogen growmie, ph of medium is a better check than the runoff because it’s soil. Lookup nitrogen deficiency 👍🏾


torlivdo I’m confident the soil had (or did before flushing) plenty of nitrogen, it was mildly burning my plants not all that long ago and I gave it a light 2-2-2 feeding about 2 days ago and the yellowing only got worse. I’d love to test the soil directly but don’t have a way of doing that at the moment. Either way it’ll be getting a new feed in a couple of days once it dries back out some. The plant chugs water so I don’t imagine it will take long


ig:@eaegifts Good note keeping, hopefully she turns around for you.

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Day: 110


Plant continues to grow well. Stretching has definitely stopped at this point. I can’t believe how far these buds are developed at this point in the year

2 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot Nice work! I agree those are far along for outdoor. Which state and around what city are you growing in?


torlivdo San Francisco Bay Area

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot No way, I’m from Milpitas!

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Day: 100


Day 100! Plant is clearly in flower at this stage. I’ve been a little bit disappointed in how much it’s been stretching, however the base has continued to get thicker and I’m assuming it’s slowed by the shear amount of tops? It might be nearing the limit of my 20 gallon grow bag as well. I, maybe naively thought if I kept on watering I could continue to outgrow the pot but maybe that was naive. Today was also the first watering in 3 days which definitely seems to slow at this point

2 years ago

Day: 94

Did some light trimming. Watering more than 2 gallons a day at this point and I’m not even to flower 😅. Flowering is right around the corner though!

2 years ago

Day: 88

A little bit of nutrient burn but I think that’s corrected.

2 years ago