Grow #1 (ARCHIVED)
Started May 17th 2023
2x Critical, 1x F1 Orion
2x Critical, 1x F1 Orion
Day 53 (Week 8)
8 updates
23 photos
Day: 53

F1 Orion (Flo) is recovering really well from the lack of nutes. She should be finishing up here before long. My two critical plants are showing some weird issues on the underside will address tonight. Flipping my two criticals to flower tonight. They’re overdue.
2 years ago
HokieHigh2011 How can you tell it is recovering? Just new growth? Feel like it’s hard to know if it’s getting better or worse sometimes.
zer0ping So I take a LOT of pictures first thing in the morning and right before lights out and night and then compare. I also find a few leaves and mark them and then keep an eye on them so I don’t have to look at the entire plant. I also look for the new growth etc. doing side by side pics makes it so easy so long as it’s the same spot etc
Day: 50

Incredibly worried about my F1 Orion (Flo). I gave her nutes a few days ago and she’s looking better but I’m second guessing everything at this point. Spent months reading, all the equipment, only to under water and under feed because I was worried about over doing it. Live and learn.
2 years ago
HokieHigh2011 Heard these F1s are resilient. Definitely doesn’t look like it’s gone. Have you measured the PH? How you know it’s low nutes?
zer0ping So this was my first plant period. She’s an auto and I am using FFOF from the bag. Watered until a week ago and then started giving nutes. I have two grows going right now one with four plants and they’re super healthy and happy in my office grow tent. My original three which are under “grow 1” on my journal have been having all sorts of issues I have been trying to sort out. I don’t want to flip my two critical plants to flower yet because I’m worried they’re not healthy. My runoff ph is 5.5-5.8 and my ppm’s are 1100. I spent a year reading and buying etc. I have all the equipment etc I just think I waited too long to give nutes because I was worried about over doing it as a new grower. These three plants have me banging my head against the wall. F1 isn’t gone she’s actually like half way through flowering? Tons of dust etc just the fan leaves are commiting suicide in mass.
HokieHigh2011 Well not giving enough nutes should definitely be recoverable. I think I read the nutes in the soil last about 2 weeks. Runoff PH seems good. What nutes did you use?
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Day: 49

Didn’t know if I used the right photos earlier. FLO is doing well, the nute issue hasn’t progressed and seems to have started to “fix” itself. I removed all burned/problem leaves on the two criticals so I can closely monitor any other issues. Will not be doing any more removal on FLO (F1 Orion, she’s an auto).
2 years ago
Day: 48

Update on maint on my three ladies. Fixed nutrient issue etc. took a few clones.
2 years ago
Day: 45

Calmag foliar as well as soil drench did WONDERS!
2 years ago
Day: 43

Massive issues developing with 2x critical and 1x F1 Orion. Looks like a salt build up considering I haven’t given ANY nutrients.
2 years ago
fozzybear99 I hate to say it but....it looks like calcium deficiency 😐
Caliban Calcium deficiency
zer0ping Seriously?
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Day: 39

RQS F1 Orion Auto
2 years ago
Day: 35

Update picture from first grow. First three were started on may 17th, the rest two weeks later. Many strains including an F1 from RQS. That’s the big one. The other two big ones are Critical Fem Photo.
2 years ago