Wedding Cake Auto #2
Seeds just popped
Wedding Cake 2
Day 83 (Week 12)
28 updates
33 photos
Day: 83
Day 83 and trichomes have just started to amber up
3 years ago
HammertimeAZ Time to get out the buzzzzzzzz saw and take her down. First thing tomorrow.
RodneyRN Yeah bro so happy for you sick photo 😊
Day: 80
Day 80. Chop the cola de 60 and left the plant to continue to grow and it looks pretty good.
3 years ago
Day: 75
4 days l8r
3 years ago
Day: 72
Too much weed and not enough lung capacity. I hate when that happens!
3 years ago
organic_grower Champagne problems! Lol
Chronic King Tap me in haha
bigsammy I’ll take a dub
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Day: 72
I’ve never had this problem before and I’m not sure it’s a problem but I have a 4 foot tall plant with virtually no flowers at all and the flowers that are there are not clustered or group. They are just scattered amongst the different branches anybody ever have something like this? Vegetation with little to no flower? Almost looks like it could have a little male in her without the pollen. Must be the beginning of LGBTQ+ month and the plant is just really really confused.
3 years ago
Peng You sure it’s an auto?
rhanneman1 😂😂😂
HammertimeAZ Possible but has small flowers and no dingle balls
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Day: 72
4ft tall and little to no flowers 💐
3 years ago
sir_terpes024 And on say 72? 🤔 probably just the quiet before the big storm! 🤞🏽
sir_terpes024 Day*
Alchemist How you get ur autos so tall? What kinda lights set up do u havd
Day: 71
1/2 of the wedding Cake auto 2, other 1/2 is finishing maturity.
3 years ago
Day: 71
2nd 1/2 of wedding Cake. Giving it 1-2 more weeks to finish maturing.
3 years ago
Day: 68
Checking out my closeup kit
3 years ago
Day: 68
Not bad trichome production. Trying to hold off as long as possible b4 the ambers start showing
3 years ago
Day: 68
Snow in June (almost)
3 years ago
Day: 63
Day 63 of FIMd plant 2. Plant 1 yielded a disappointing 1.7z after a 8z wet weigh in. Will keep plant 2 alive as long as trichomes permit for the maximum indica high.
3 years ago
@eaegifts 1.7 ain’t to bad for auto tho, 60 days start to finish for almost 2 zips ain’t bad and as a total grow your looking at almost 6oz in 2 months if the others yield similar and tbh this beast looks like she’ll be more than 2 alone 👍🏾👍🏾
@eaegifts I don’t bother with wet weight personally but if you continue to do it you can basically estimate your dry weight, it’ll be about 75% less than wet
HammertimeAZ Yeah, I measure wet so I can pop a woody and say, “I got 8zs, 1/2lb”. Only to have it waste away to 1 or 2 zs. I’m a lot pissed at myself bc I took a 10 day trip and sometime early on the surge suppressor that the lights were on popped. Must have been close to 1 week of darkness (thank goodness they were autos) and I didn’t even think of telling my bud tender to check for light. She followed her watering instructions to the T. So, now I have huge buds but very few trichomes so i guess at least 2 more weeks of trichomes watch so I can chop them at optimum trichome presence. Now, it’s just too early.
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Day: 60
7.1oz of Wedding Cake wet at day 60 harvested. Trichomes look amazing. Setting it up for a long slow dry and then cure.
3 years ago
Pushit Drool. 😮🤤
Day: 58
Getting sunlight after seven days complete darkness
3 years ago
Day: 58
One of my five plants that I left at home while I took a brief a vacation. I had a friend come over and take care of the girls while I was away. I gave her explicit instructions of what to do. I even had her come over a step-by-step instructions but neglected to mention the light because it was on auto timer…and what could go wrong with that right? Well, the lights went out sometime in the early days of my vacation so I got plants growing like weeds but no significant trichomes production.
3 years ago
Stin_Gee10 Damn 😔
Day: 45
Watered and topped dressed as well as topped the bud site.
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Nice 👍
bonojohnson Looks good man
Day: 39
3 years ago
Day: 38
Watered and growing like weeeeeeeeds
3 years ago
Day: 35
3 years ago
Day: 30
3 years ago
Day: 24
3 years ago
Day: 22
Watered and applied LST
3 years ago
Day: 21
Watered. Insanely small for 3wks.
3 years ago
HammertimeAZ Just transferred to 1 and 3 gal cloth pots
Day: 20
3 years ago
Day: 18
Transferred to Cloth pots and doing very well.
3 years ago
Day: 16
3 years ago
Day: 6
Off to a long and hopefully fruitful life
3 years ago