Commercial room 3
Spring ‘23
432 plants total; room 1 of 4 filled and in veg for a couple of weeks now. Day 1 of flower tomorrow.
Blunicorn; Nag Champa; Snowball
Day 97 (Week 14)
23 updates
90 photos
Day: 97
27 pounds out of 75 ish done.
a year ago
Day: 85
About 7 of 70 pounds done and finished. Just bought another freeze dryer and should be able to get about 3 pounds a day done now.
a year ago
Day: 81
Stacked up, frozen and ready for processing. Should end up with about 65 pounds of top shelf quality bud plus an enormous amount of trim for processing.
2 years ago
loudpak23 Sheesh good shit man
Day: 80
About 80 plants remaining to harvest. Wil finish tomorrow.
2 years ago
Day: 79
So it begins.
2 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Y’all don’t use a trim machine?
OP@angiesgarden We do. We don’t dry cure traditionally. We use a freeze dryer so our process is cut, weigh, log, then buck and big leaf, freeze, cryo trim, and then freeze dry.
ig:@eaegifts Nice, honestly how’s the smoke on freeze dried? I’ve heard mixed opinions
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Day: 77
Tomorrow is harvest day. Lots more pictures to come.
2 years ago
Day: 73
3 days left.
2 years ago
Day: 72
Took a couple of small branches to perfect a few things in the dry cure and trim. Last 3 pictures are finished product. Turning out really good. Have about 3 days until full harvest.
2 years ago
Day: 67
2 days until flushing begins. Along with a nice shock of some 60 degree temps. Time to ride them hard for the last week. Hoping to see some nice color changes along with more trichs.
2 years ago
ounce would love to see updates on this! 🔥
Day: 59
2 1/2 week’s remaining.
2 years ago
Day: 56
It’s unfortunate but every single one of the kush mints hermed within the last 24 hours. Approximately 80 pounds worth and a total revenue loss of around 96k and 5 weeks of time loss. No idea why other than something wrong with that plant from the clone company. No other explanation why the whole strain did.
2 years ago
combatmedic81 THAT SUCKS BAD
OP@angiesgarden Ya it’s very unfortunate. Sad it wasn’t during week 7. I would have just let it finish. And sadly we don’t have our walk in freezer yet or I would have saved and frozen it all to sell for processing extracts.
DolphinsFan13 Genetics ? Or light getting in ?
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Day: 54
Quick security camera shot.
2 years ago
Day: 52
Getting dense and plumping nice. A little over 3 weeks to go.
2 years ago
toocozy i bet this room smells like absolute heaven
OP@angiesgarden Smells wonderful.
Day: 47
Colas 😍
2 years ago
Day: 39
Just a little bit of defol.
2 years ago
Day: 38
This room is not ideal at all and gives me anxiety. Finishing this room can’t come soon enough. I am maxing my dehumidifier and light capabilities. Thankfully they are finished stretching. It’s basically flowering a whole room of mothers.
2 years ago
Day: 34
Right on track. In about another week I will be starting the bulking phase.
2 years ago
Day: 33
Almost time for a defol.
2 years ago
Day: 30
Day 14
2 years ago
Day: 29
2 years ago
Day: 17
Day 2 flower on the majority of the room.
2 years ago
bulletpr00f Godddd damnnnnn….🤤🤤🤤🤤
G8keeper Wow how sweet is that. I can smell it from here!
Caliban Is that a 4x4?
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