Hello World v1.0
1st Grow - Summer 2020
This is a 1st time cabinet grow, featuring Mephisto’s Forum Stomper x 3BOGS, kindly gifted by u/PerpetualHarvest. Set-Up: -IKEA HÄLLAN Cabinet (17.75”x18.5”x29.5”) -HLG 65W 4000K LED Grow Light -Trader Joe’s 32 oz Greek Yogurt High Performance Growtainer with custom speedslide™️ drainage holes -MotherEarth perlite/coco mix Upcoming: -x3 120mm upHere B22 Stealth fans -Jebao Submersible pump auto watering system featuring second precision automation Running Dynagro GROW nutrients This is a low-profile, high aesthetic alternative to traditional micro grows, aimed at urban growers with suboptimal floor plans. Please Comment any inquiries.
Mephisto Auto Forum Stomper x 3BOG
Day 86 (Week 13)
19 updates
67 photos
Day: 86

Chapter 20: Weigh In & First Smoke! After a week air dry that started around 70% due to high humidity in the area and then around beginning of day 2 went to 50% for the remaining, the stems are snappy and the outsides sticky but generally dry feeling so it’s time to jar it up. Overall, weighed this plant at 1.001 oz after some additional trimming. Sure some stems are still attached for the curing process, but still blows my mind this much is coming off of my first grow! Overall 1.5oz between the two! As far as the first smoke - WOW! It was so much smoother than I expected, hints of sweetness in the smoke and the high was phenomenal - calm, relaxing body high, mood elevating with some couch lock in the end putting you right to sleep (n=2). So thrilled! Thanks for following my journal, I look forward to the rest of cure and then next grow!
4 years ago
Day: 80

Chapter 19: Chop chop Got some great nugs from this, even better lessons. Maybe I chopped a week or two earlier than I would next time but now I have so much weed maybe I’ll have the patience to wait next time. Was a real struggle if I’m honest, I thought my first grow would go smoother since I knew all the mistakes. But I still had countless battles with déficiences, mistakes, and even a lack of preparedness in building my own cabinet. I’m confident my next grow will end with the leaves still all alive. Hopefully. Anyways I made cannabutter from the cuttings and will weigh in the results tomorrow!
4 years ago
Day: 79

Chapter 18: This is the End The day of reckoning has finally arrived and the world has plunged into darkness. Or at least that’s the perception my plants are having right now. I didn’t flush, but I did decide to follow the prolonged darkness theory. If anything it keeps from burning off THC while allowing more to be produced, hopefully maximizing potency. I’ve decided it’s time to harvest because I can see a significant amount of amber in this plant. My other stunted plant doesn’t show as much, however I need to harvest at about the same time because the cabinet will also be where they dry initially. Tomorrow I’ll take some glorious pre-cut pics I’m sure. It’s all very exciting. On an unrelated note I’m out of weed and only have edibles weight on this decision at all... Behold
4 years ago
Day: 75

Chapter 17: Holy Shid Holy shid I can’t believe it’s day 75! That’s 73 days since sprout! What a journey. Anyways went away for 10 days and put it in the capable hands of my auto watering system, adjusted to be twice a day for 10s and 6s to ensure the reservoir would last. And it did! Generally the plants look healthy. The cool weather kept the temps in my cab down and it seems like aside from a little Calcium deficiency they continued to fill out nicely. A few weeks to go, going to cut down on the nutrients now and just focus on keeping them healthy as the terps turn over to amber. Seeing some of that fall foliage and purple coming in!! Check out a wide array of photos below:
4 years ago
Day: 63

Chapter 16: 60 Days in September Apologies, I tend to update less when my plant is rampant with issues and there’s not much to show off. Today is day 60 from sprout I believe and the plants trucking. It didn’t necessarily recover well from my past mistakes. I think likely my plant has a calcium deficiency that’s leading to nitrogen deficiency. I trimmed a lot of dead leaves. If you’re just looking to enjoy a high, pay for weed the old fashion way. This is a rollercoaster of emotions and even at day 60 I’m concerned if it will make it to the end! Stick with me friends, and appreciate her in her worst to smoke her at her best.
4 years ago
Day: 54

Chapter 15: If I Only Had A Brain NSFW pictures coming up. And nsfw reasoning. In a previous post I ranted about how nutrient deficiencies are a symptom of something larger and that you must find the root cause. I religiously measure my output pH and EC, falling into my target pH of 5.5 and EC of 1300 currently (microsiemens). My healthiest plant has started showing signs of deficiency. I carefully maintain my NER, temp and humidity. It is getting worse. Today I measured my EC, when I noticed something, my meter was set to ppm instead of EC. Fuck. I also decided last week to up my EC by a few hundred. It took more nutrients than I expected but I recently switched to a new reservoir. Well, the result is an output EC of 3600. Safe to say I am preparing a nute burn recovery plan ASAP. Don’t be like me kids. Please. Check your units.
5 years ago
Day: 51

Chapter 14: The Captain Has Turned Off thé Seatbelt Sign It’s day 49 since sprout and everything’s *seems* to be going smoothly. Auto watering is set up well, with pH’d water in the 5.5-6.5 sweet spot (occasionally sitting a little too close to 6 to be fair), and EC in at 1300-1400/out 1300 as well. Buds are growing fat, smelling both fruity and gassy [need a hefty revamp on the carbon filter probably] and temps/humidity under relative control between 79-86F/50-60% with iced water bottle cooling. It appears we’re through takeoff and no turbulence on the flight path, so feel free to get up walk about the cabinet. The trich’s are absolutely stunning, love the frostiness that’s coming in.
5 years ago
Day: 49

Chapter 13: Bud Nation Whatssss up Bud followers. We’re here with another chapter of v1.0 3BOGS x Forum Stomper, and this is a pure appreciation post to Mephisto Genetics. Wowie, already day 47 since sprout, and while weed is legal here, this ladies covered in so much frost it might be a new class of drug. Truly a beauty, reacting well to her feeding program. Planning on upping to just Bloom as well as a higher EC (Closer to 1700 I think) this coming week! Let’s watch her fill out. For now, enjoy. And if you have Nat Geos number i need a photographer stat.
5 years ago
Day: 41

Chapter 11: Budruptcy After 2 consecutive quarter-months of flower growth I am happy to say that Hello World v1.0 will ne filing for Chapter 11: Budruptcy. This is printing money on a tree, but it tastes better. Check out closeups below
5 years ago
Day: 37

Chapter 10: whaddup Bud 6 days since my return and this bodacious botanical is really coming into its own. Pistils are spilling out and with it the sweet smells of maturity. Walking into my room is a sweet, almost berry in nature smell but that upon closer examination is dank in origin. As the kids say, we’ve got some real gas, and Trumps elimination of methane limits from oil refineries came just in time. For quality of life and stealth reasons however, a carbon filter has been implemented. Guérilla in nature, I’ve combined 2 uphere 120mm fans squeezing 3 layers of activated carbon sheeting commonly used for air conditioners. We will see if this duo has the power required to keep the temps down and air flowing. Not convinced quite yet. I’ve also been consistently LSTing, leaf tucking, and when leafs are yellowing, defoliating. I rotated this plant to allow the main cola to grow into more space, although separation between the plants is limited due to my current disposal tray (which I modified lightly to all for 3 inches more space between the plants). A lot of fine tuning, but the girls have probably had close to a perfect week as far as nutrition (5.7pH, 1100EC in, 6.5ish, 1500ish out, combo Grow & Bloom), airflow (above LST mentioned), and VPD (been managing the humidity range to keep it up with the 80F constant temp). See below for happy results!
5 years ago
CommanderRex This is about a week into Flower^
Day: 34

Chapter 9: Remember the Titans I don’t know what the movies about but I’m pretty sure it’s a comeback story about this plant. From twink to twunk this baby bounced back from under watering extremely well. Been watering 5.7ish, 1100 ECish. Finding the reservoir to be hard to predict right now, but we have about half Dynagro Grow and half Dynagro Bloom (about 5mL total). Pistils really coming in, green returning, no sign of herming from the stress. Can’t wait to see these explode soon! Race against time to get this carbon filter fitted!
5 years ago
Day: 31

Chapter 8: Of Mice and Men Day 28 since sprout It’s hard to say that my irrigation system completed the day before I left qualifies as “the best laid plans”, and obviously the results are fairly reflective of that. Thus, were left with the collage below - a flowering hardy beautiful plant that’s been through the hard times and will come out stronger and damaged. To say it differently - my weed must go through the same hardships as I do to be able to properly treat me. Anyways, I estimate that my irrigation system, set to water 10 seconds twice daily worked brilliantly for about 7 of the 9 days I was gone before the water level fell below the pumps draft and inadequate water was provided. To remedy this for my next excursion, a lower profile pump must be picked up. Thé coco was dry, which hopefully did not cause extreme damage to the roots. I flushed with calmag and the exiting EC was 1000 (about 500 going in and 1500 from the regular watering). I also gave it a foilar spray of Bloom nutrients, which is also what it will be fed on for the rest of the grow. Eat for the bud you want to be! Furthermore, I will now be able to ph adjust (nute lockout maybe?? Although ph was 6.7 in the deposit) as well as give Dynagro Bloom nutrients for optimal nutrition in this phase. She is well, a bit battered, but back in good hands. Check in in a few days for further examination of the lasting effects. Note: a few dead (browned) leaves were removed.
5 years ago
Day: 21

Chapter 7: Home Alone Every parent gets to a point where they decide their child is old enough to stay home alone, however most parents are not required to IV nutrients into the child’s body while they’re gone in order for them to survive. This week I will be leaving for 10 days and the plants will be under 100% automation with zero supervision. The girls are growing quick, and the light seems to be keeping their nodes nice and tight, already giving this gal a bush like appearance. I’ve been ramping up their feeding all the way to 1500 EC with no notable side effects. Due to idiocy, laziness, and procrastination I have not had the time to re-calibrate my pH monitor nor buy pH downer (which reading my water levels I suspect I’ll need). I left the 2 gallons of water out for a week though in order to allow any chemicals to dissipate and get the water as close to 6.5-7 (water) as I can. When I come back I will surely have to take further care. That aside what I have done is revamped the irrigation system and some LST and leaf tucking. This will hopefully set-up for unrestrained growth in the next week. We must prepare ourselves for the worst, but I leave feeling lightly optimistic. Cheers to Day 18!
5 years ago
Day: 16

Chapter 6: Chance of Rain The girls are growing, but had a stressful day of moving to accommodate an automatic watering system. Every time I try to add something to this build it is a reminder of how small it really is. Truly the engineering of microgrowing should not be casually approached. I did it high anyways... Automatic Water Components: - Timer with second increments to be scheduled 2x per day - Water pump (small fountain pump) - Tubing and T-Joints - Ball Valves - 268oz Tupperware container (source) - ?? Oz Tupperware container (dump) - Draining Tray I’ve built this watering contraption with 2 halos that the more I consider the more I think I will remove them. Functionality has not been tested in the cabinet/with the plant, so we will see if it’s beneficial or harmful. Only v1.0 has the halo on for now since the v1.1 is too small to fit it. The draining tray will likely be replaced as well to not have that hose and just drop more or less into the drain container. The water is still acclimating so it will not be used today. Hopefully the plants survive this stressful yet important change-up!
5 years ago
Day: 12

Chapter 5: Teenage Angst (9 days from sprout) With 3 layers of leaves, this gal is no longer a seedling! It’s always exciting to watch them grow up, but man does it happen quick. I think one thing that’s helped our relationship during this difficult time is that I always close the door after I leave the room. Really undervalued parenting advice. Through seedling I was watering about 400EC all the way up to 700EC, beginning with 1 a day and now up to 2 waterings a day of about 100mL I’d say. Now we’re up to 800-1000 EC for the waterings, still twice a day. Hard to tell if I’m overwatering or not, but they seem to be alright so far! Also notice the stunted right leaf, but ya know we’ve moved past this and are growing quickly!
5 years ago
Day: 9

Chapter 4: Bad Hair Day Despite salons re-opening amongst COVID, this gal seems content to keep growing out this unorthodox hairdo. What began as early signs of Calcium deficiency (curled leaves, browning at the edges) has been remedied by beginning daily feedings (100mL of 400EC solution) and a late implementation of a CalMag foliar spray for direct absorption without raising the EC. She seems to be growing well, although these leaves are deranged looking and the newest set seem to be stunted on one side. Hoping as the feeding ramps up in nutrients she’s able to keep up!
5 years ago
Day: 5

Chapter 3: Feels Like Summer She’s a sprout, clawing for life! Humidity cap is off along the scientific hypothesis that exposure to wind causes stronger roots and thicker stems (thigmomorhogenesis). This of course requires the Vapor Pressure Deficit being at an optimal level, so that the plant is not stressed out pulling water from the roots, but can transpire through the air. This of course leads to the question: is science real? Only God can answer that. In the meantime I will painstakingly manage the relative humidity-temp ratio. Temperatures are sitting at about 80F on average, which requires a humidity of 68-70% possibly. Young plants require high humidity of course too! I’ve been damping a towel to keep the humidity in the 60s, so we’ll find out if this is sustainable for growth. If you think I should put back on the caps please comment!
5 years ago
Day: 3

Chapter 2: Extreme Home Makeover —————————————————— Houston, we have lift off! Thank goodness for small milestones like first sprout to justify me checking the cabinet every few hours. Its said that for best growth, a person should receive 5 pieces of positive feedback for every 1 critical, so I just want to say I’m proud of this seeds hard work and determination in breaking through the dirt ceiling and pursing some beautiful photosynthesis. —————————————————— In other news, there’s been some major renovations to the cabinet, essentially bringing it up to code for its new residents. What’s been added: • Exhaust fan plus holes - this alone brought them temperature down 10 degrees • More light/air sealing - it’s actually extremely hard to seal in light, but hopefully creating internal static pressure and the use of Loctite spray foam will keep the smell in later. The light is another issue, mostly just trying to dim it at this point. • Cable Management - drilling holes through metal is challenging, but I managed to make it so my cables can neatly come into the cabinet, finally allowing the door to close • Winch System for light - the light needed to be closer to the top of the cabinet, and 2 carabiner winches did the trick! • Fan system - this really highlights my desperate state of resources. Most utilizing left over IKEA parts I’ve set up two (2) circulation fans. Again, I think all fans will require more power. Note the hanging one is slightly angled upwards to encourage air circulation. I’m not too concerned about the fans facing in the same direction due to the overall area, but am curious if anyone thinks this could be an issue. • Hygrometer - right now the temp-humidity is NOT optimal. The fans were very recently put into place at the time of this picture, but it’s of growing concern once the humidifying lids come off. Concerns: • Air circulation • Temp and humidity Action Items: • Stronger fan power source • Auto-water set-up • Vapor Pressure management
5 years ago
Day: 0

Chapter 1: Germination in the Germ Nation Hello World! Take a look at my always improving cabinet grow. This gal, a twin, is the front right. Looking forward to raising these two! Build Notes: Notice that currently the light is suspended via fixed wire - this will be updated this weekend with an adjustable winch system. The gals are currently on a grate while I figure out optimal drainage for the autowater system - which will be suspended under the cabinet. Thinking a passive funnel out to a drainage container drilled through the floor here! Trying to limit the holes for now though. Single ground fan is temporary while I salvage some wire to extend and wire up the other 2 fans. Need to drill exhaust holes at the top. All wires will be exiting the rear once a drill is more conveniently available. Door will be sealed with foam tape to prevent light leakage since this is in a main room. Eventually, a carbon filter will be added, although there’s already concerns about the static pressure the fans are able to produce at 12V-1A. Also note the white junk around is foam sealer to block gaps in the cabinet.
5 years ago
PerpetualHarvest Interesting setup I like the DIY & will stay tuned for the grow. Are you hoping it’s more forum stomper or 3BOG?
CommanderRex Hoping the grow highlights 3BOGs genetics, and the bud Forum Stompers 😤