
Jack H outside grow

GG4 Jack H Pine Apple Auto

Trying to grow outside


Day 38 (Week 6)

6 updates

6 photos

Day: 38

Houston, we have a problem

4 years ago

yeep Check for mites under leaves

Day: 23

For an auto at 3 weeks, should this be bushier? Does it look ok? My very first plant so you all already know what I’m feeling and going through lol

4 years ago

Day: 17

What are these spots?

4 years ago


Velocirapptor Kinda looks like spider mites. Check and see if you can spot some little white bugs or webbing under the leafs? You may have to spray them with neem oil or find an alternative.


Roart I’d guess spider mites too! Sometimes they look like little black or red dots on the bottle of the leaves

cranky_vet Get a spray bottle, few drops of neem oil and a few drops of dawn liquid soap. Since oil and water can’t mix, the dawn helps it stick together to kill those mites.

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Day: 13

Sitting on top of 5 gallon bucket. Astro gnome looking on for good luck

4 years ago

jaxgrower9111 Love the gnome. Is she pointing toward sun

stardust Yep. Real cloudy today though

jaxgrower9111 She looks happy

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Day: 13

Moved to outside today. On screened in patio

4 years ago

Day: 12


4 years ago

Mr. CannaVolution

Mr. CannaVolution Jack Herrer grows huge outdoors! I’ve got photos this past summer I Veg for three months and I had 12 ft trees easy. Daily pruning if you are in humid area she is going to get bushy and tall!!

jaxgrower9111 I believe it is a auto