Humboltd Magic Melon (Auto)
Winter 2022
3 gallon fabric pots, pro mix herb and vegetable, sensi grow a&b and bloom a&b
Auto Magic Melon
Day 6 (Week 1)
3 updates
4 photos
Day: 6
Looking nice and green so far so good
3 years ago
Happydazzee420 I hope that mutation of the leaves fixes itself when it’s bigger
Day: 1
Trying not to let them stretch too much keeping the light about 16 inches at 60%
3 years ago
Happydazzee420 Gonna do a tent clean up at some point today gonna take everything out and clean the floors and walls then put it all back in
HammertimeAZ Never hurts to do a little pre-spring cleaning. The ladies will luv ya for it.
Day: 0
Time to be potted!
3 years ago