

Fog Dog Autoflower Indoor

Indoor grow April-June

Started and will finish in a 3 gallon pot. Will do light stress training on this plant to try to get a better yield and overall more even canopy.

Fog Dog

Day 50 (Week 8)

6 updates

7 photos

Day: 50

She’s thickening up, getting close to harvest according to what the breeder says

2 years ago

Day: 41

She’s well into flowering

2 years ago

Day: 31

Looking good, halfway there according to the info on this strain. Can’t wait till it’s done to try some, she’s smelling good

3 years ago

Day: 26

Moved her outside due to some reworking of my plans. Can’t wait to see how big she will get

3 years ago

Day: 22

She’s looking great! Preflowering and hopefully will start flowering here in the next week or so.

3 years ago

Day: 15

Looking good so far, changing light cycle from 24/0 to 20/4 soon.

3 years ago