First Grow
Spring 2019
I started growing ima 20 inch stealth grow box with a 200 w grow light and used LST training until she was too close to the light. I then moved her into a 2’ x 3’ grow tent with a 600w grow light. I’m using General Hydroponics nutrients.
Amnesia Haze
Day 84 (Week 12)
29 updates
29 photos
Day: 84
Waiting to flush
6 years ago
Day: 83
Getting close to harvest!
6 years ago
CBD So what have you learned so far from your first grow?
Day: 76
This is the last week of nutrients and then I’ll begin flushing
6 years ago
Day: 72
Hoping these buds start to fatten up
6 years ago
Day: 69
She’s looking great. I trimmed some of the big fan leaves to help with air flow
6 years ago
Day: 68
Grow light distorts the leaf coloring, but I think she should be ready to harvest in another two weeks 😎
6 years ago
Day: 58
The plant is huge and bud sites have popped up all over
6 years ago
Day: 51
Still doing really well. I rigged a fan so that I can keep the humidity down during flowering.
6 years ago
Day: 50
She’s finally started flowering!
6 years ago
Day: 48
Had to upgrade to a larger grow tent because the box she was in just wasn’t big enough. She’s pretty tall now and just starting to flower. You can see the very beginning of light burn on some of the leaves, which was cause from being cramped in the previous grow box.
6 years ago
Day: 39
I’m going to have to do LST again tomorrow because she’s getting too big and there’s nowhere left for her to go.
6 years ago
Day: 37
I’m really having a hard time keeping her maintained in this grow box. I may move her to the closet, but I’ll need to utilize some different equipment to do so.
6 years ago
Day: 34
She’s already perked back up from LST and has turned back toward the grow light. I’ve already seen some new leaves forming!
6 years ago
Day: 33
She looks a little crazy right now because I did LST on the big main branch to try and get her to produce more bud sites. This isn’t a super great picture but she is in the stretch phase, so I switched up her nutes to the transitional phase in order to prep for flowering nutes next week. 😁😁😁
6 years ago
Day: 27
She’s been growing like crazy this week!
6 years ago
Day: 26
She’s looking great. I took her out of the box to rebalance the ph, nutrients, and clean out the reservoir.
6 years ago
Day: 23
She’s finally started getting much taller. You can’t really tell because if the angle of the picture.
6 years ago
Day: 23
More leaves are starting to develop on top
6 years ago
Day: 21
This is better picture without the grow lights distorting the color. You can see the one damaged leaf in this picture on the right. I added more nutrients and she grew a lot overnight.
6 years ago
Day: 20
She has growing about an inch taller since the last update.
6 years ago
Greenhouseguy95 Hey man. Maybe look into getting a bigger air pump and placing more air stones. She should be muuuuch further along by now. She looks perky though
Dankston_Hughes How big of one should I get? My grow box is pretty small and it’s only in a gallon bucket, so I have like an aquarium air pump.
Greenhouseguy95 I’ll send you a link later on to a killer air pump I’ve used on hydro grows that puts out a fair amount for the price. It will get her moving along alooot quicker :) and a nice day air disc at the bottom making sure you got as much oxygenation going on as possible.
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Day: 18
She’s growing more out than up, which I believe is good. She’s still only about 5 inches tall.
6 years ago
Day: 17
Her leaves have really started to take off
6 years ago
Day: 16
Her leaves keep multiplying and her stem is growing thicker. She still had the damaged leave from her net pot.
6 years ago
Day: 14
Her leaves have really started to fill out and she’s grown a really sturdy stem. The roots have really started to spread out in the reservoir.
6 years ago
Day: 13
One of her leaves is a little damaged from being smooshed in the cup but she’s still going strong
6 years ago
Greenhouseguy95 Looking good man. First grow and going hydro. Really cool to see brother. Good luck. Take a peak at my grow and if you need any help, I’d be happy to shoot you some pointers! Looks like your doing nicely on your own though !
Beanzy I am the first time grower of 4 White widow plants. One did not germinate. The 3 remaining plants are fall with a couple of small leaves. I have them in a humidity dome on top of a heat mat. They seem to be stuck right here. I germinated them approximately 10 days ago. Is this the correct phase or am I doing something wrong?
Day: 12
It’s crazy to me how much she is growing every day!
6 years ago
Day: 11
The plant has started to grow pretty rapidly now.
6 years ago
ClosetQueen87 Be careful though. You’re gonna wanna fill that net pot more. You’re leaking light into your water reservoir and that can cause root rot and other bacteria problems. I’m not currently working with hydro but I have in the past and have made this error.
Day: 9
Roots have finally reached the reservoir and look really healthy. PH is at 5.8 and the grow box is currently on a 18/6 light schedule. The humidity is around 60% and the grow box is sitting around 76 degrees. Hopefully she starts growing a little taller because her leaves are starting to be smooshed in the pot she’s in.
6 years ago
Day: 3
The plant is currently around 3 inches. The seed casing is still attached. I’m light watering with a spray bottle once a day until the roots reach the reservoir.
6 years ago