
Auto afgan mass

Hows she looking

My miss idea net basket


Day 38 (Week 6)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 38

Topet 5 times auto mind

5 years ago

Day: 38

New growth still no veg

5 years ago

Day: 31

Ian a newbie to auto flowers so put as my regular feeds to photoperiod schedule so I had a few probs so I bought the call mag vita plus and bag of Epsom salt and ph en ppm ec meter and they stated to come back also ran into a prob with Cana plus insect spray cos I thought fuck it al spray they fucker into space not relishing it gave them nuts burn so don't even no if they will hermi but will keep you updated I am using a grow light led 300w with. A 30 watt spiral led that's pretty sick in my opinion but hey the reason why I super cropper the naked other is become she had a boron disease and nut burn so for a experiment on recovery from that I decided to do this film top chop stress the fuck out of her just to show if they are as delicate as they say she's doing well since I ph the water right hour and she's doing sick can act see her moving which is quite mad plz help guys get me on a good track make a friend for !!

5 years ago