

Mephisto Fast Buds Mix

2x2, 200w

18l Pots, BioBizz Lightmix, Grow, Bloom, Topmax, Silic Rock and Epsom

Mephistoreoz, Strawberry Nuggets, MephWedding x MBAP, Gorilla Cookies

Day 16 (Week 3)


4 updates

5 photos

Day: 16

4 days before 1l tap water, today 2l water with 0.5ml grow, 0.5ml silic rock, 0.1g epsom per L

3 days ago

Day: 7

500ml for all

11 days ago

Day: 3

250ml for all

15 days ago

Rastaman grows

Rastaman grows 🚀👊🏾

Day: 1

Day 1 for all except Mephistoreoz, seed has just been dropped straight in soil, just water sprayed on for the next few days

16 days ago