
Lone soldier

First kick at it

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated….found a seed in one of my “mom” orders and figured I’d get it into some dirt and go from there!

Pink Rockstar

Day 7 (Week 1)

1 update

6 photos

Day: 7


The poor little lady doesn’t look too happy….. I think I better not quit the day job…..see what happens I guess

4 years ago


redman7176 You need a container with drainage holes. You’ll want to repot that into something like a plastic Solo beer cup with drainage holes drilled in the bottom. Carefully bury her stem all the way up to about 1/4” below those first rounded leaves (cotyledon leaves). Lower the light so it doesn’t continue to stretch so much.

Rastas Reefa

Rastas Reefa Cut holes in the bottom edges of a Solo cup and use that


IllusionalDazle For one your soil mix looks like mud! :/

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