


The new year 2025

Feeding with standard fertilisers, under 100w LED light

Bag seed experiment

Day 17 (Week 3)


13 updates

24 photos

Day: 17


Growth has been slow the past few days to be expected due to circumstances, when should I take her dome of, when I see more growth?

2 months ago


combatmedic81 Is the soil loaded w/ nutes? Or are you feeding nutes? As long as the room it is in is in the 55-65% humidity it would be fine to take the dome off.


fryied_rice The room is coming in at roughly 50 % this can vary tho


fryied_rice So the soil is kind of a living soil, I got some from some farm land we own has some animal waste in it, this is mixed 50/50 with some potting soil, I was originally using a small amount of Bonsais nutrients as I read up this can produce some nice plants, but I noticed a slight amount of yellowing on the tips of the leaves so I thought I was burning her

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Day: 13


Still looking okay, corners of leafs Turing brown a small bit

2 months ago

Day: 12


Still keeping the dome ontop until my new tent comes, switched to spraying soil for watering and monitoring growth

2 months ago

Day: 11

She is looking really good now, still growing only slightly stunted

2 months ago


dahash YOOOO! i was looking for an update is this the seedling i asked about a few days ago?


fryied_rice Yes it is, it appears that she survived


fryied_rice For now

Day: 10

I have noticed that the second set of leafs have grown more, even tho I had made my massive fuck up two days ago, I’m hoping this is a good sign, I trimmed the small amount of brown leaf of and am leaving her under a bottle top that I have misted with water to allow high humidity, it’s looking like she may survive but I have no clue.

2 months ago


combatmedic81 Is your soil soaked with moisture or are my eyes playing tricks on me?


fryied_rice I had sprayed the top this morning as the medium was dry, I took the photo right after spraying, so it looks soaked 🫡


combatmedic81 Roger that. Just remember you want those roots stretching out looking for water. Just my two cents though

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Day: 8

Today I have started to notice the first signs that she is not going to survive my fuck up from yesterday, on other news my new seeds have been soaking and later this evening I am going to plant them into a new container, and hope that they grow, shall I wait until the seeds have cracked inside the water or should I plant them when it comes up to the 24hr mark?

2 months ago


ttvdrowziee If you wanna wait til they crack soak them for 24 hours then put them into a lightly wet paper towel unless your just gonna soak them and put them into the pot without them cracking

Day: 7

Today I fucked up, I over watered and panicked I had no idea what to do and recerched, I read that a transplant could solve this issue, so I rushed to transplant over to a container that had better drainage, in the process of doing this I managed to snap the stem clean from the roots, I have treated this issue as if the plant was a clone, I cut the stem at a 45 degree angle and planted deep into a mix of old and fresh soil, can somebody please give me advice as to the best way to keep her alive, if not can someone send me in the correct direction of some more seeds, all advice is appreciated,

2 months ago


. To clone her put a dome over her or put the whole cup in a ziplock and for seed North Atlantic seed company, pacific seed bank, multiverse beans and seedsman, the first two have the cheapest menus and the last has probably the biggest but slowest shipping.


fryied_rice Awsome thanks, what are the success rates with her starting to produce roots agin, is it high or is it likely she will die, I noticed a large amount of micro root hairs on the stem so have planted it deeply.


ttvdrowziee It’s most likely gonna die cause when cloning you need a specific solution for the roots to start coming in why did you end up transferring it it was doing perfectly before you transplanted it what were you reading about?

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Day: 6

Starting to see some good growth now, watered as medium was pretty dry,still sticking to standard watering, looking for beneficial things to do to keep good growth

2 months ago


. Is she in a hat?


fryied_rice Ahah well yes and no, I planted her in a glass jar for the seedling stage, as I am a new grower I was unaware of how much light effects root growth when they can see light, so thanks to some assistance I covered her jar up to prevent light reaching the roots, since then I have notice a large increase in growth.


Zer0Ping You need some seeds my man? Clones etc? I’ll spread the love if needed.

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Day: 5

Nothing done today, medium still slightly wet, if drys out I’ll water, if not will be left till tomorrow.

2 months ago

Day: 4

Watered with small amount of plant nutrients to boost leaf growth

2 months ago


ttvdrowziee Should also find something to cover walls on outside of jar roots don’t like light


blazinherb I would suggest using red solo cups instead of glass jars. Roots do not like the light.


fryied_rice Awsome thanks, this is first ever grow 👍

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Day: 3

Noticed more growth on main leafs, stem has begun producing white hairs, watered a small amount

2 months ago

Day: 2

True leaves started growing, supplied with a small 1/4 a cap to one shot of water fertiliser mix and watered plant with 1/4 of the shot

2 months ago

Day: 1

Just sprouted from medium, given 40w warm led light, waters a small amount

2 months ago