

Bruce Banner

Summer 2022

32”x32” Vivosun tent, VS1000 LED light, Happy Frog, Ocean Forest & Perlite medium, nutes TBD

Bruce Banner

Day 108 (Week 16)

38 updates

95 photos

Day: 108

Life is good 👍

2 years ago


gpurps 1st two grows in my 32”x32” tent. Not including what I used and gave away 😂🤣


ig:@eaegifts Nice pull, definitely gonna be good for a while


gpurps Thanks ig, yes going to give the tent a rest and enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Day: 103

Not a great yield but boy do you taste good BB 😀👍

2 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Old school metal pipe got love the nostalgia, haven’t seen one of those since 90’s rt on


gpurps Yeah man, I love it. Haven’t been smoking that long but I’m workin on it 👍

Day: 100

Last lady standing, just chopped the 2nd one. Better then the first but that ain’t sayin much 🤣😂 Happy this last one made it thru being beheaded haha. Definitely enough to pack a few bowls at least 😀

2 years ago

Day: 97

Think she’s got a little more fattening up in her?

2 years ago


gpurps Still a lot of white pistils it seems.


HeritageSecretGarden Sometimes they go a bit longer just let it tell u when she is done


gpurps Thanks Heritage, yup I’m not feeling she’s ready yet. Need to give her time and be patient I feel.

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Day: 92


Getting close to chop time for the 2nd one. Seeing some amber but could use a little more I think.

2 years ago

Day: 92


Littlest girl has even longer to go. Happy she’s producing anything at all 👍

2 years ago

Day: 92

Horrible lol, lesson learned. Probably not a great idea to mix different plants at different stages in the same tent.

2 years ago

Day: 90

Filling out a little more 👍

2 years ago

Day: 87


Last 2 seem much happier with the tent all to themselves.

2 years ago

Day: 84

Kinda disappointed in this girl, looks like she’s about done, harvest soon. Just a very fragile plant as you can see by all the tape.

2 years ago


gpurps Buds that are there are super frosty though I think.

Day: 74

Think the girls are looking pretty good. Honestly was expecting this strain to be much bigger and denser from what I read. Can’t blame the smallest one seeing as though I accidentally decapitated her. Happy she’s got a few little buds forming.

2 years ago

Day: 69

I tied the biggest girl up with some twine to keep her away from the Deelite plant. So they can both get some light. Cranked up to 100%, see how they handle it overnight.

3 years ago

Day: 65


Good shots of the 3 of them, took the big Deelite plant out for a good trimming.

3 years ago

Day: 65


Get to see her close up now, pretty cool 😎

3 years ago

Day: 65


From the biggest one, interested to see if these all grow together to make one long bud? Guess time will tell. Plucked a few of the large fan leaves off, they were down pretty low.

3 years ago

Day: 64


3 girls are moving along pretty nicely. So different than first grow, BB much more spread out plant I guess you can say.

3 years ago


gpurps 1st pic is of the one I damn near killed! she’s making a comeback! Taught me to pay attention and take it a little easier. Tried to train her by bending the main stack then…SNAP! 😂🙂 had to laugh.

Day: 56

Girls look pretty happy. This strain seems to be more spread out than my first grow, and not as many bud sites.

3 years ago

boysnanax7 Not bad. She just stretched a lot. Next time do some LST and topping and maybe trim lollipop way. Great job the bud looks nice.


gpurps Thanks for the advice Boys 👍 yes probably because I have the light up high for another plant in the tent.

Day: 47

Lesson learned..note to self: be gentle ☹️ oh well, movin on.

3 years ago


Penunmbra420 Oh no, what happened?


OrganicDaGrower Bro why did u pinch the top? Lol oh boy tell us what happened lol


gpurps Thanks for asking, I bent the top over to possibly low/high strength train it. Was going to tie it down and CRACK lol Well I’m sure it wasn’t that loud but sounded like it to me! Lol

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Day: 40


I call them small, medium and large, how original lol. All started out different at different times. Just happy to have 3 of them alive and in the same tent.

3 years ago

Day: 38


The 3 are moving along slowly but surely. Looks like the smaller 2 aren’t getting as much light as they probably should be but it’s all good 👍

3 years ago

Day: 35


This is just cool 😎

3 years ago


gpurps Duh…3rd pic is Dlite2, another plant


ig:@eaegifts Very nice, dee looking huge 👍🏾👍🏾.


gpurps Thanks ig 👍🤘

Day: 34


Happy to have 3 Bruce Banners going at one time. 14”, 5” and 4” tall. All started at different times. Started the big one on 1/3 nutes today felt like she was ready. Other 2 maybe still too early for nutes, maybe next week.

3 years ago

Day: 29


Transplant denied! 😂 didn’t have a paper plate so I made this Pac-Man looking thing out of cardboard. Think maybe she’s not dry enough and roots are stuck to the pot walls. She was not having it, after several taps on the pot bottom and lightly shaking it.

3 years ago


gpurps Thank you Troy, going to try that tonight. First time transplanting, didn’t know airpots did that. Never looked that closely, live and learn my friend 👍


gpurps Hey. Troy, tried it again and it went like BUTTA this time 🤣😂 thanks again. Not sure who is more stressed out thought, me or her haha

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Day: 27

Think this girl is ready to get transplanted out of this pot that has been weighing her down! Right around the number of nodes someone recommended. Going to let her dry out now so the roots detach from the clay. Thanks for your advice all! Good people left in the world.

3 years ago

Day: 24


Girls are moving along, slowly but surely. Biggest one is 6” tall, followed by 3” and 2”. Not pushing them, letting them get established. No nutes yet, living on PH balanced water and soil.

3 years ago

Day: 21

Too soon to transfer into a bigger pot? She’s only 3” tall but growing really slowly.

3 years ago


ig:@eaegifts I’d wait to she gets bigger but tbh I avoid clay/ceramic pots because they hold lots of water, I’d only use one if I was outdoors but otherwise start in cups.


ig:@eaegifts Does the pot have a single hole in the middle for drainage?


gpurps Thanks ig, oh I didn’t know that. Had a clay one laying around here from my wife. Now that you mention it, she was using it for outdoors plants. Yes it has just a single hole in the bottom. Is that not enough for drainage?

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Day: 14

1 of the last 2 popped, gonna leave the other one for longer, trying this Root Riot method. It will have close to optimal conditions now not like the other ones that are struggling a little since they started out in the same tent with the Deelite that I just chopped.

3 years ago


gpurps Wow I was just babbling, sorry 😂🤣

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Nice high dome set up what is that connected to the top


gpurps Thanks stick e, it’s a little light that is powered by USB, check out the picture I just added. Worked great for tomatoes and other veggies so hoping will do the same for this girl.

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Day: 12

2 of the 3 remain. Harvested the other girl in the tent so now I turned off the dehumidifier for them. Time for these girls to thrive! Have the other 2 Bruce Banners germinating so plan to put them in here too. Would be a good problem to have if they all take off. Thinking maybe 3 gallon pots instead of the fives. Maybe can try one of those funky looking air pots to see what it does.

3 years ago

Day: 11

Dropped the last 2 seeds today. 1 of 3 did not break thru soil at all and the other 2 are off to a slow start. Soon the BB’s will have the whole tent to themselves as I’m chopping the one plant down this weekend. Hoping these will be happier once I knock the light intensity down and the humidity up.

3 years ago

Day: 10

Girls off to a slow start but starting to come around it seems. Thanks again for the mini greenhouse idea again all, definitely helping. One is refusing to break thru the soil so thinking about popping another one to take its place since it’s still pretty early on. Buried the one in about 4” more soil since it was kinda leggy and it’s around 3” above the soil now.

3 years ago

aforesterj Where did you find those little greenhouses?


gpurps Hello aforesterj..please see the pics I posted, couldn’t copy & paste the link here.

Day: 10

Mini greenhouse pictures from Amazon. I wasn’t able to copy & paste the link so this should help you find it.

3 years ago

Day: 9

It’s it just me who enjoys pulling the cracked seed off with tweezers? Lol

3 years ago


gpurps Hopefully someone is with me so I don’t feel so psycho 🤣😂

masscangrow With you


co8ra2 ✋🏽

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Day: 7

Moisture seems to be staying in there for longer already 👍

3 years ago


gpurps Actually day 4, guess app doesn’t calculate days for you. Have to get myself a new calendar for these new girls.

Day: 7

Some good news, one popped out, about 2” tall. Other 2 still hiding. Gave them all some water and watched the moisture probe closely. They were all all still pretty dry. Always afraid to overwater them. All 3 in the same soil mix and being treated the same, go figure.

3 years ago

Day: 4

Still not breaking soil surface, same little bit of anxiety as the 1st run as I wait. How much does everyone typically water and how often at this stage?

3 years ago


Caliban Most ppl germinate in a small cup to start which makes it easier to keep the right humidity. Also seedlings don’t need nutrients for first 2-3 weeks so if your soil is not a seedling mix you might burn them? Also did you start the seedlings in water or a wet paper towel first?


Discpimp I agree with Caliban on the small cups to get things going and being easier to control moisture. These look a little dry imo and I’d say give them about a half cup of water and try to cover the area where the seed is with a humidity dome or the bottom of a water bottle.


gpurps Thank you both for your input. I started them out in the wet paper towels and they popped in like 1 day. I think you’re both absolutely right about them being dry. I have another plant in the tent that I’m keeping the humidity down for as it is close to harvest and it seems that these need more humidity. I just gave them and put the domes I had here over top of them to keep the moisture in. Thank you both again, sometimes I need other eyes looking at it since Don’t realize what I’m missing.

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Day: 2


Got all 3 seeds into the soil. 2 of them are in 5 gallon fabric pots and the other one is in a small clay pot, all there is room for in the tent. Got a good feeling about these little ones.

3 years ago

Day: 1

Wanted to use up the Ocean Forest from the last run so cut it down a lot with Happy Frog & Perlite.

3 years ago


gpurps ILGM seeds, first time using them but have seen some good feedback on them.

Day: 1

They popped way faster than the first grow! Wow, hopefully these will just take off once I get ‘em in the soil. Going to give them 1 more day in paper towels for taproots to get a bit longer.

3 years ago