My own gorrilla glue
March 2019
3 yehsence 1500w l.e.d.’s, 1 3000w king l.e.d., 1 1000xl kind l.e.d., 1 quantum lighting 1000w s/d ballast, 1 digital greenhouse 400w s/d ballast, 2 h.i.d. 1000w s/d ballasts, 1 8 in high velocity fan, 1 4 in high velocity fan. 500 gal of soil= pro mix, fox farm, royal gold, hydroton, miracle grow top dressing, bat guano, worm castings, blood meal, dead fish, alphalfa meal, bone meal, crab meal, azomite, humic acid, kelp meal, black magic all purpose fert., farmers blend all purpose fert., pelletized lawn lime, extreme gardening tea brew, mycos, azo, regent a root, root exelurator gold, great white, moab, terminator, bushido stash, microbe hydroponic life photosynthesis plus, wholesome organic molasses, bush doctor sledge hammer, Neptune’s fert. Sensi grow a and b. Full line of emerald harvest. 10gal smart pots, 40gal hydro pot.
G.G, b.c., w.b., S.d., S.j., D.A., m.s., “blue cheese or lemon skunk
Day 23 (Week 4)
1 update
5 photos
Day: 23

Here we go
6 years ago