
Gorilla Glue #4

Winter 2020

One plant 3x3x5 tent 3 gal pot. Mar hydro 1000 watt led

Gorilla Glue

Day 28 (Week 4)

6 updates

6 photos

Day: 28

Week 4 fed wit nutrients

5 years ago

Day: 24

More LST, watered with nutrients ph 6.0, run off 5.9. Ph was initially out of range and causing nitrogen deficiencies. 6”pots 1st time grower

5 years ago

Day: 23

More LST looking good, burned plant slightly by having it too close to the heater

5 years ago

Day: 20

Plant is short but experimenting with LST

5 years ago

Day: 19

Nitrogen problem I believe, watered today with nutrients

5 years ago

Day: 11

Plant is about 3inches y’all

5 years ago

Djsu87 Watered today