
Flower for both Grows

Summer/Fall 2018

Decided to start flowering all four plants.


Day 64 (Week 10)

19 updates

76 photos

Day: 64

Wasn’t much but it’s something!

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Looks nice bro, good job!


Wiser_greenery Good finish bro🤙🏾

Day: 59

I’m done guys😢my mom murdered my last two plants.. I asked her to watch to make sure the heater turns off and it doesn’t get too hot since they were at her place and she totally forgot about it till I went back and found them all fried and dried.. they broke as soon as I touched them.. it was sad as fuck.. I’m gonna put it in a jar and try it out tomorrow.. it was a good and educating run.. will try again very soon!

6 years ago

Day: 53


Got lights off for a bit.. Pics didn’t turn out too well.. plants are looking a bit better..had too move these plants into a closet.. wish they could’ve finished out in the space I had.. shit happens.. gonna finish out this grow and start on a new one

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Looks like they are coming along nicely my friend

Ziggy Thank u! Thanks to the help from y’all guys they still kicking


Ducatiboy Glad you made it to the end!

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Day: 50

Two plants were looking toasted so decided to pull them since hairs are orange.. Gonna focus more on saving my two bigger plants.. Still at 75/80 but not seeing any difference :/ I probably should’ve added heater cpl wks ago when temp changed.. Staying hopeful till next month when the other two should be ready.. only got pics of ones I pulled..

6 years ago

Ziggy I fast cured a joint worth... took two days.. trying it out.. half way thru and I’m pretty baked.. taste is good too

Day: 45

What’s wrong!? They look all sad but they don’t need water.. Could it be too cold? Help!!!

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Take pics without the blurple. How cold is it? Whats heater temp? Whats temp in grow area?

Ziggy I’ll try to get some tonight.. the heater doesn’t have a temp setting but I have it on the lowest turning off and on.. was about 70 but now with heater it stays between 75/80


Ducatiboy Is this a sativa? Or indica? I mean the real definitions haha everyone describes highs as that but thats inacurate. Sativa is tall lengthy,leafy open. Indica squatty, bushy compact.

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Day: 35


No gnats still.. been a wk since I watered again.. I think my moms swamp cooler keeps them hydrated.. not sure if it’s good or bad lol just gonna wait to water them till they get droopy.. don’t want gnats coming back

6 years ago

Day: 28

Watered last night finally.. Havent noticed any gnats.. gave them some plant food and some guano.. doing every other day just bloom light

6 years ago

Day: 25

Still no water.. just see like one or two gnats.. used sone organic soap spray and some flu paper.. hoping the dry out does the trick

6 years ago

Day: 23



6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Coming along mighty fine bro. She’s gonna be hella nice

Ziggy Thanks man! That’s what I’m hoping. It’s been almost a wk not watering them and they’re doing good.. gonna wait till leaves start to drool a little.. hopefully gnats will be gone too by time I water them


Wiser_greenery Are you still seeing the gnats around the flowers?

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Day: 21

Just bloom lights every other day.. Getting frosty ☃️

6 years ago

Day: 19

Still letting them dry out.. Damn gnats man! They’re killing me..bought some organic spray but don’t think it’s doing anything.. scared to put too much.. any suggestions would be great

6 years ago


Be42ohh I have heard that neem oil works well against fungus gnats.

Day: 17

In honor of AHS Coven making a comeback this season, I have finally named the girls after some of the witches 😊 Looking pretty good.. Gonna let the soil dry out for a few days till they start dropping.. Been noticing little gnats flying around.. Probably overwatering..

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery A good dry out should help with those gnats. Otherwise they are looking good

Ziggy Yea I’m hoping! Thanks man

Day: 15

Got some more pictures.. Added some bat guano and watered the girls.. also trimmed them a bit..

6 years ago

Tommyswag Crazy what just 15 days can do!!

Ziggy Hell yea! It’s exciting lol I’ve been tracking mine with wiser_greenery and I’m like a wk behind.. Kinda using that grow as a guide.. Can’t wait to see this grow next wk


Wiser_greenery Looking hella good ziggy they are gonna start forming in the coming days🤙🏾👍🏾🤙🏾

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Day: 14

Just got back from on the run tour! Was awesome! Girls are looking great

6 years ago

Day: 10

Had to do an emergency move for my plants.. They will now live out the rest of their lives at my moms in her closet :/ second day and the seem to be do very well.. Got some good bud site pics.. Leaving for a cpl days tomorrow so gonna do a regular garden food feed and water before.. Will post pics when I get back from Beyoncé! 😂

6 years ago

Day: 8


I’m one happy farmer today! So all four are females.. Will get some better pictures of #2 and #3 once the hairs get larger.. Idk how I was able to get all four female in my first grow but I’m excited as fck!

6 years ago

Sirsmokesalot Nice. Take pictures right before lights on or right after lights off with flash. Will not affect the plants and you will get better pics then with the led lights on. Good luck

Ziggy Ok cool I’ll do that tomorrow night.. Give them a chance to come out a little more 😊

Day: 7

Two definitely are female.. #4 is putting out more hairs than #1.. Still waiting on #2 & #3

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery 👌🏾👍🏾🙌🏾

Day: 6


Oh Happy Day! So think I got two females so far.. They were started at the same time.. Still waiting on the youngins to let me know what they are..

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Congrats I see hairs

Ziggy Cool hopefully they keep on coming!


Wiser_greenery Oh yeah man be in the look out for those damn pollen sacs. 🤙🏾

Day: 2


Started to flower all four plants a day ago. It’s day two now and there’s a good amount of growth. #1 and #4 are about 12 wks and #2 & #3 are about 7 wks. Waiting to see the sex. Not doing anything too crazy. Just some epsoma garden food and epsoma bat guano. If I get at least one female out of this I will be happy 😊

6 years ago