
Autoflower Trio

Fall 2020

2 Bruce Banner so far. Put in the dirt today. Watered soil with PH at 6.5. Light is 38” above plants.

Bruce Banner, Grand Daddy Purp & Massassin

Day 49 (Week 7)

9 updates

36 photos

Day: 49

Week 7

4 years ago

Tommygun6681 Looking good friend!

Day: 24


Just posting a few pics here.

4 years ago

Day: 19


Just posting pics here. Follow my diary on Grow Diaries. RedEyes34.

4 years ago

Day: 15


Plants are doing good. One of the Bruce Banner plants still has some yellow spots on one leaf but looks to be healing. I added another Parfactworks RA1000 light today.

4 years ago

Day: 12

Both Bruce Banner plants are still doing great. One of them has some yellow on one leaf. I think they were under watered so I watered both Bruce Banners and the GDP today. One of the Massassin plants is looking great but the other Massassin plant was damaged when removing the seed casing. It looks like it may survive but only time will tell.

4 years ago

Day: 8

Plants look good. The GDP is growing a little abnormal but I think it’s healthy. Watered the GDP for the first time since planting it. The 2 Massassin seeds popped out of the soil over night. Ordered some Cal-Mag that will be here Monday. I already have Fox Farms trio pack. I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil with 20% add organic perlite. Shouldn’t need to add any nutes until at least week 4 I’m guessing.

4 years ago

Day: 5


The 2 Bruce Banners are around 3” tall. Gave them water only today for the first time since putting them in the dirt. The GDP is only about an inch above the soil. Will prolly wait another 2 days before watering it again.

4 years ago

Day: 2

Both Bruce Banner plants popped through today and shed there shells. I also put the Grand Daddy Purp in soil today.

4 years ago

Day: 0

Put in the dirt today.

4 years ago