

New Set-Up

3rd grow

Vivosun 4x2 tent, AC Infinity set-up with carbon scrubber, 2 1200 watt Bestva l.e.d lights, 8 inch Holmes clip on fan. Using fox farms forest soil along with fox farms trio, cal-mag, and great white mycorrhizae! Took pollen from both males and put onto separate branches of my auto flower( create new strain)

Gelato, Tama-hawk, one unknown and a autoflower unknown. 2 males

Day 79 (Week 12)

9 updates

51 photos

Day: 79


So first problem is one gal pots. Second problem is nutes, not sure if it’s a lack of or to much?!? Buds are starting to fatten up a bit. And autos pollinated branch is getting so far with seeds it’s crazy

4 years ago

Day: 71


New seeds coming in!! Rest of girls are doing ok

4 years ago

natängza What type of lights are those?


Cris-Co Bestva 1200w


Cris-Co I have two of them in my 2x4x5 tent I have a pic of my set up in my previous grow

Day: 71


What is wrong with my plants. Brown spots only on leave, and tips are curling in!! Is this a calcium deficiency?????? Please help

4 years ago

Day: 65

Girls are making it!! They all require a little bit more or less than the other

4 years ago

Day: 65


I put pollen from one of the males I had onto ONE of the lower branches! I just wanted to see if it was possible to only pollinate only one branch! Yes you can, only one branch/really bud is producing seed sacs lol

4 years ago

Day: 45


One of my girls is definitely an auto! Crazy all of these are random bag seeds and only one male. 4 girls going ok 1 auto doing it’s own thing and a boy!! I don’t plan on gradually switching to 12-12 until day 70! Already there is a huge difference in plant growth from my first grow to this one, definitely lights are a huge plus!!!

4 years ago

Day: 35

So some of my leaves are doing this bending curling thing ....they seem perfectly healthy just doing some weird stuff, and it’s only those two out of 6

4 years ago

Colalition Possibly Nitrogen or Calcium Deficiency.


Cris•Co I can believe that I haven’t used any cal-mag or any nutes with nitrogen yet. Just watered yesterday, will wait two or 3 days before next water to add mag or nitrogen


Cris•Co Troy-farms A hating person in disguise Bruh either help or show encouragement, but all that other bs is not needed Nobody cares about ur commercial grow

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Day: 31


Sorry it’s been so long. Working like crazy! But they have grown soo much

4 years ago

Day: 3


All successful 😜

4 years ago