1st one
Outdoor grow
Naturally growing outdoor, letting veg
Day 243 (Week 35)
18 updates
78 photos
Day: 243

Some of my buds looking like this, is this safe!!! Help me before I cut down I’m low key scared of this lol
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 👀I think that’s mildew 🙆🏽♂️
rjbuds Noooooooo!
rjbuds So would I just cut that off and and harvest the rest or the entire plant is done
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Day: 242

Getting ready to cut & harvest my lil baby Virginia
a year ago
BL_Smoke Is this 242 days in total growing? Looks crazy good man hope harvest treats you well
jamiespotstand Dude looks like you created some magic right in time for the new year! Cheers and congrats 🎉🎊🍾🎈
rjbuds I’ll be honest with you guys, I let Mother Nature do her thing, I monitored, watered, and made sure it stayed on a light schedule due to lack of light on my balcony Not a full 242 I didn’t start journal until it sprouted out
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Day: 222

Did some cutting to helping with directing of energy, going to water and let it do it’s thing. Be back later but, looking good!
a year ago
rjbuds So can anybody give me any pointers on when I should be looking to cut and signs that let me know what I need to do next? I’m researching as much as I can and where I have grown many plants this is my first successful budding plant. Any tips and helpful aid would be greatly appreciated
jamiespotstand It’s a little hard to tell but she is fading you can tell with those purple leaves. She’s very cute. 🥰 so those little orange hairs on the buds and the “dust” all over them (trichomes) either get yourself a jewelers loop or what we all use on Amazon and then follow a “trichome guide” basically the little mushrooms under magnification need to be 1/3 “brownish” 2/3 “milky like actual milk color” and like 1/100th clear (less than 1%). Impossible without experience to harvest without tools to see closer. You’re close though, since she’s fading you can wait until her fade finishes and make sure you cut out all Nitrogen input and she’ll finish for you without you having to do much and you’d wait until she kills most of herself off. Magnifying thing we all use…… Wireless Digital Microscope... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PVMRZQH?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
jamiespotstand So I am a little high I missed pic 4. You’re like a week or two away from harvest
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Day: 206

Hey guys! Virginia is in flowering stage and god does she look pretty… open for advice and things to be on the look out for during these next stages of life
a year ago
GrNadeGrade 💣 Well, I noticed your plant is next to a window, which is not ideal while in flower 🌹 (may cause light leak during dark cycle. Now is the time to monitor the humidity (ideal is between 40-50%). Also, they’re very hungry during early stages of flower, and during late stages they consume drastically less in preparation for senescence. If you’re not aware of this , it may lead to underwater/overwatering respectively. Good 👍🏾 luck 🍀
GrNadeGrade 💣 Are you growing outside? If so, disregard my first two observation/advice. For the most part, you just take what Mother Nature throws at you.
rjbuds My cousin is telling me to cut it, do you think it’s time?
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Day: 50

Shes getting pretty! I’ll do some more strategic topping and pruning soon but, for now I’ll let her be and keep giving plenty light and water
2 years ago
Day: 42

Just a difference in a day, almost to the point where I can start drilling holes on the side and tie her down. Goal is to get her to start wrapping around the perimeter of the pot.
2 years ago
phriedphoenix You should super crop / Lts her. Crop in the middle of largest section and secure her
rjbuds Elaborate a little more, I’m a novice learning as much as I can. So I just started LST with her a few days ago, everyday I go and gently mess with her I’m getting ready to drill holes around and start securing her down. I bought the soft plant tie.
Day: 41

Did some topping, and starting some LST, also trying to clone from the cuts from the low stress training.
2 years ago
Day: 36

Well it’s been a while since I’ve reported in, she has obviously needed some extra direct sunlight so I got her a cool little light. She has been doing really well considering all things. Just watered and her roots are just peaking out the bottom repot soon and start another plant.
2 years ago
rjnotez Going to take off the last 2 bottom branches when I repot tomorrow, and start some LST
Day: 16

Wanted to give a few days before I reported back here with updates on Virginia, she looks happy healthy and very green. Been 5 days since the last time I reported. Getting the meds for her roots when it’s time for transport
2 years ago
ALFA I think it need more lights
rjnotez This was an Early morning pic, she gets a lot of sun light in this area directly. Any particular reason that was brought up tho? I’d like to know
rjnotez And it’s an outdoor grow so she only gets light when the sun is out, I haven’t gotten any specific or extra lights until I’m ready to start trying indoor grow with the whole kit.
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Day: 9

Virginia got water yesterday and getting plenty of sun today. I love see the change everyday it’s crazy!
2 years ago
Day: 8

She is looking pretty is the sun today getting some water soon
2 years ago
Day: 7

Doesn’t seem to need water yet so I’m going to wait and see how the soil looks and feels after some sunlight today.
2 years ago
rjnotez What does it mean when the tip of the leaves get discolored a little bit? Is there anything I can do to help with that?
adders Hard to tell seeing as it’s just the one tip, give it a little more time and observe if it gets worse or not. If it doesn’t don’t worry too much just keep an eye on it and mentally log anything that you do that may make a change this helps a lot I found 😅
rjnotez Thank you! I freaking love this app everybody just helping each other lol I love the 420 community
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Day: 6

Haven’t taken pictures in a day or two looking good. Nighttime photo… getting water tomorrow if necessary
2 years ago
Day: 3

Got plenty of natural sunlight today and grew a bit taller since yesterday! I definitely need to repot
2 years ago
Coux I don’t think that you should be thinking about reporting soon
rjnotez No? When would be a good time? I’m a novice and a sponge for knowledge so whatever I can learn please feel free to share
Coux It hasn’t outgrown that pot and may take a few weeks until it does. You don’t want to move it out of that pot until it starts becoming rootbound
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Day: 2

Just watered and getting some natural sunlight, probably repotting soon
2 years ago
Day: 1

Obviously not true day 1 but, this was gifted to me so I’m going from that date.
2 years ago