Payayum Growers

Payayum Growers

Bluedream x Lsd


Bluedream x Lsd in Air-pod, All mix natural fertilizer N P K Thailand, 120x120x220Cm. Rocker with, im301h Samsung LED 240w. and supplementary high brightness LED 50w. x2

Bluedream x Lsd

Day 115 (Week 17)

4 updates

12 photos

Day: 115

Yeah!! She look good , making flowers now!!

4 years ago

hydrosmkn Damn that does look good keep it up 👍

Day: 99


Perfect grow 🚀🚀🚀

4 years ago

Day: 90


ready to flower, cutting to leaf plant, so good ✂️✂️🍃🍃✊

4 years ago


Albarnol เห็นแล้วอยากไปนอนดมอยู่ตรงนั้นเลยครับ

Payayum Growers

Payayum Growers กำลังจะเข้าทำดอกเลยคับผม เตี้ยๆคาบ

Payayum Growers

Payayum Growers สหายอยู่ไทยหรือเมกาคับ

Day: 60

12weeks in pot, move to air pot.

4 years ago

Payayum Growers

Payayum Growers ✊✊✊🍃🚀