Pink kush, lst and scrog
April 2020
5 pink kush seeds germinated paper-towel metod, biobizz nutrientsand coco soil, grown with mars hydro SP 250 led light. In a secret jardin 120w
Pink kush
Day 127 (Week 19)
115 updates
556 photos
Day: 127

Dag 6 (68) - uge 10 i blomst 1/4 plante tørre dag 10 / glas dag 3
5 years ago
Day: 126

Dag 5 (67) uge - uge 10 i blomst 1/4 plante tørre dag 9 / glas 2 dage
5 years ago
Day: 125

Dag 4( 66) uge - uge 10 i blomst - vandede 4L m biobizz 1/4 plante tørre dag 8 / glas 1 dage
5 years ago
Day: 124

Dag 3( 65) - uge 10 i blomst 1/4 plante tørre dag 7
5 years ago
Day: 123

Dag 2 (64) - uge 10 i blomst 1/4 plante tørredag 6
5 years ago
Day: 122

Dag 1 (63) - uge 10 i blomst 1/4 plante tørre dag 5
5 years ago
Day: 121

Dag 7 (62) - uge 9 i blomst 1/4 plante tørre dag 5 Klippet yderligere 2 toppe grundet brudrod..
5 years ago
Day: 120

Dag 6 (61) - uge 9 i blomst 1/4 plante tørre dag 4
5 years ago
Day: 119

Dag 5 (60)- uge 9 blomst 1/4 plante tørre dag 3
5 years ago
Day: 118

Dag 4 (59) -uge 9 i blomst. 1/4 hængt til tørre og klippet. Tørret 2 buds på 50• i ovnen. 1/4 2 dag tørring.
5 years ago
Day: 117

Dag 3 (58) - uge 9 i blomst. Vandede 4L rent vand. Høstede 1 ud af 4 planter grundet budrod i 2 topskud men resten ser fine lyserøde ud, dækket i trikomer og pink inden i - helt Fantastisk flotte 😍 1/4 1 dag tørring
5 years ago
Day: 116

Dag 2 (57) - uge 9 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 115

Dag 1 (57) - uge 9 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 114

Dag 7 (54) - uge 8 i blomst - inficeret område fjernet, resterende ser mugfri ud.
5 years ago
Day: 113

Dag 6 (53) - uge 8 i blomst - budrod i en af topskuddene.
5 years ago
Day: 112

Dag 5 (52) - uge 8 i blomst - vandede 4L m biobizz
5 years ago
Day: 111

Dag 4 (51) - uge 8 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 110

Dag 3 (50) - uge 8 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 109

Dag 2 (49) - uge 8 i flower
5 years ago
Day: 108

Dag 1 (48) - uge 8 i blomst Vandede 4L Biobizz nutrients 4 uger til høst
5 years ago
Day: 107

Dag 7 (47) - uge 7
5 years ago
Day: 106

Dag 6 (47) - uge 7 blomst
5 years ago
Day: 105

Dag 5 (46) - uge 7 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 104

Dag 4 (45) - uge 7 i blomst - vandede 4 L
5 years ago
Day: 103

Dag 3 (44) - uge 7 blomst - vandede 1/2 L vand
5 years ago
Day: 102

Dag 2 (43) - uge 7 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 101

Dag 1 (42) - uge 7 blomst
5 years ago
Day: 100

Dag 7 (101) - uge 6 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 99

Dag 6 (41) - uge 6
5 years ago
Day: 98

Dag 5 (40) / uge 6 i blomst - vandede 4L med Biobizz active vera, bio heaven, top Max, top grow, algi-mic, cal-mag og biogrow
5 years ago
Day: 97

Dag 4 (39) - i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 96

Dag 3 (38) / uge 6 blomst
5 years ago
Day: 95

Dag 2 (37) - uge 6 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 94

Dag 1 (36) / uge 6 i blomst -
5 years ago
Day: 93

Dag 7 (35) / uge 5 i blomst - vandede 3,5 L m biobizz
5 years ago
Day: 92

Dag 6 (34) - uge 5 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 91

Dag 5 (33) / uge 5 i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 90

Dag 4 (32) / uge 5 blomst - tilføjede 2 mariehøner til at spise de små fluer
5 years ago
Day: 89

Dag 3 (31) / uge 5 blomst - vandede 3,5L m biobizz adjektiver
5 years ago
Day: 87

Dag 1 (29)/ uge 5
5 years ago
Day: 86

Dag 7 (28) / uge 4 - vandede 3L biobizz gødning og adjektiver.
5 years ago
Day: 85

Dag 6 (27) / uge 4 blomst
5 years ago
Day: 84

Dag 5 (26) / uge 4 blomst
5 years ago
Day: 83

Dag 4 (25) / uge 4 blomst
5 years ago
Day: 82

Dag 3 (24) / uge 4 / vandede 3L ppm 1060-1120 pH 6,8
5 years ago
Day: 81

Dag 2 (23)/ uge 4
5 years ago
Day: 80

Dag 1 (22) / uge 4
5 years ago
Day: 79

Dag 7 (21) / uge 3
5 years ago
Day: 78

Dag 6 (20) / uge 3 - Vandede 3L
5 years ago
Day: 77

Dag 5 (19) / uge 3
5 years ago
Day: 76

Dag 4 (18) / uge 3
5 years ago
Day: 75

Dag 3 (17) / uge 3 vandede 4L
5 years ago
Day: 73

Dag 1 (15) / uge 3
5 years ago
Day: 72

Dag 7 (14) / uge 2 - lollipopped trimmed
5 years ago
Day: 71

Dag 6 (13) / uge 2 - vandet 3,5
5 years ago
Day: 70

Dag 5 (12) - uge 2
5 years ago
Day: 69

Dag 4 (11) / uge 2
5 years ago
Day: 68

Dag 3 (10) uge 2 vandet 3 l 6,7 pH 760 ppm
5 years ago
Day: 67

Dag 2 blomst (9) / 2 uge
5 years ago
Day: 66

Dag 1 (8) / uge 2
5 years ago
Day: 65

Dag 7 i blomst / 1 uge - vandede 3 L
5 years ago
Day: 64

Dag 6 i blomst / uge 1
5 years ago
Day: 63

Dag 5 blomst / 12/12 - uge 1
5 years ago
Day: 62

Dag 5 i blomst / uge 1
5 years ago
Day: 61

Dag 3 i blomst - 1 uge
5 years ago
Day: 59

Dag 2 i blomst / 1 uge
5 years ago
Day: 58

Dag 1 i blomst/ har stået 48 timer i mørke 1 lys 12/12
5 years ago
Day: 56

Sættes 48 timer i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 53

Veg. Sættes snart i blomst
5 years ago
Day: 47

Veg / 20/4
5 years ago
Day: 44

Veg. 20/4
5 years ago
Day: 42

Veg / 20/4
5 years ago
Day: 41

Veg / tilføjer mere vand ved næste vanding
5 years ago
Day: 40

5 years ago
Day: 39

The plants have taken well to the pruning and have started to sprout new branches from the FIM-topped areas.
5 years ago
BigChiefin Do you have extra colas coming up from the lower nodes too? It looks like it and I think I'm experiencing the same thing my first time.
Simonogina Sorry, just saw your comment now.. yeah we did, see our latest updates for more pictures :)
Day: 38

Pruned the plants 1/3 and got some airflow in between the lower branches. Watered with 2L water mixed with 1/2 part- 2 ml bio heaven, active Vera, fish mix and top-grow.
5 years ago
Day: 37

The plants needed a little water and have gotten strong leaves again. Gonna feed 2 L every 2-3 day and check moisture in the soil.
5 years ago
Day: 36

Watered the plants with 1 1/2 L mixed with 1 ml bio heaven, active vera, fish mix and bio Grow (1/3 or 33% of recommended) also fimmed the plants again and hoping for better results.
5 years ago
Day: 35

Forgot pictures
5 years ago
Day: 34

Still growing strong
5 years ago
Day: 33

Watered the pants with 1L water mixed with 1 ml active Vera, 1 ml bio grow, 0,8 bio heaven, 0,8 fish mix. Also gave away one plant to a good home so the rest could get more space to grow.
5 years ago
Day: 32

Leaves are growing from the fimmed spot but the rest are drooping a little, gonna feed more water tomorrow and wait 2-3 days before watering again, also keeping an eye on nutrient toxin
5 years ago
Day: 31

Watered the plants with 500 ml water mixed with 0,5 fish mix, 0,5 bio heaven, 0,5 bio-grow, 0,5 active-vear and sprayed with leaf-coat. Trained the plants again with great success.
5 years ago
Day: 30

Still growing strong
5 years ago
Day: 29

Still growing strong. Watered 500ml today.
5 years ago
Day: 28

LST trained the plants with great success and no breakage. Hanging a bit by the leaves but all I all doing great.
5 years ago
Day: 27

Watered the plants with 500 ml water and gave one 0.2 calmag. Did F.I.M top too and hoping for 3-8 new sprouts.
5 years ago
Day: 26

Still growing strong
5 years ago
Day: 25

Watered the plants with 500ml water. Grown in size and looking good
5 years ago
Day: 24

Trained the plants a bit with lst. Growing strong
5 years ago
Day: 23

Have grown in height today and have taken well to the nutrients. Maybe the have gotten a little to much, gonna give them half doze and watch yellowing in leaves further, also gonna wait for the plants to dry out a bit more. Lowered humidity a bit, LD unchanged, temp around same. Also trained the plants a little by hand by lowering some bigger leaves and allowing smaller leaves to get some lights, really happy with the results so gonna top with in a week and LST short after.
5 years ago
Day: 22

The plants have taken well of the extra calmag and fishmix spray. Watered with 2 ml root juice, 1 ml bio heaven, 1 ml active Vera, 6ml calmag to 1L water, each got 600ml.
5 years ago
Day: 21

Still growing fast. Showing signs of calcium/magnesium/nitrogen deficiency so sprayed with 0,5ml cal-mag and 1ml fishmix to 1L water.
5 years ago
Day: 20

The plants have grown alot since their feeding yesterday! And the extra nutrients seems to have worked a little but more plants are showing signs of droopy leaves.. L/D 20/4, temp 21-27.9. Hum 35-50
5 years ago
Day: 19

The plants are growing tall and packing on some leaves. Encountered nitrogen deficiency in 2 plants (black widow and captain marvel), watered all plants 1 L ph neutral water and gave the two affected plants 0,5 calmag and 1 ml fishmix in foliar feeding (spray bottle) and around 1/4 water on the roots all together.
5 years ago
Day: 18

The plants are growing and showing new leaves. The plant with twisted leaves continues to twist and a couple of others have shown signs too but we’ll water with plain water next 1-2 times. One plant have really started to show signs of nitrogen toxin and we’ll have to get that fixed as soon as possible. Temp/hum same as yesterday. Added two strawberry plants today.
5 years ago
Day: 17

The plants have grown in leaf size and are showing fine new small leaves near the stem, which also have begun to be strong looking. L/D 20/2, hum 45-60, temp 22-27. Lowered lights to 45 above pot
5 years ago
Day: 16

The plants have grown a little in size and stem today. Looks like fungus is under control and have not spread. Watered with 1L water mixed with 3 1/2 ml root juice, 2 ml active-vera and 2 ml bio-heaven, also sprayed leaves with solution around 16.30 and leaf-coat once that was dry. Temp around 25-27, hum 50-60. Lights 60 cm above pot.
5 years ago
Day: 15

The plants have recovered well from the fungus and cutting, new leaves are showing, but one of the plants (wonder women) have started to warp in leaves. Could be from to hot soil or wrong ph. l/d 20/4. Hum 50-65. Temp 24-28.
5 years ago
Day: 14

The plants have recovered well from transplanting and are still growing in leave size., but 2 of the plants (wonder women and captain marvel) have gotten fungus due to to high humidity and temperatures. Trying to control both with timer. Cut of the infected leaves and spread some mulch to prevent hot soil. L/D 18/6. Watered with ph corrected water 1 L each. Raised lights to 60 cm to gain some highs.
5 years ago
Day: 13

The plants have now been transferred to their final 19 L pots. Lights have been adjusted to the new heights of the plants 45cm. Watered with 3L with root juice 8 ml, 4 ml active Vera, 2 ml bio heaven and adjusted with 10 ml ph- lights 24/0.
5 years ago
Day: 12

Grown in leaf size and a couple of mm in the stem. Feeding the girls water when needed. Giving them 0.10 ml active-vear in 3 dl water for the first time before nightfall, each plant gets 2 ml solution. L/D 24/0, still playing classical music.
5 years ago
Day: 11

The plants have a lot grown in leaf size, still not in stem size. Watering with ph neutral water 1 1/2 dl. L/D 24/0. Have moved the plants out in the tent. Also Playing classical music.
5 years ago
Day: 10

The plants have grown a lot in leaf size but not in stem size today. Watering 1 dl to all 5 plants.
5 years ago
Day: 9

The plants have grown in leaf size and are drinking more water, so watering 2-4 times daily with more spray water. L/D 24/0, humidity 55, 26-28 Celsius.
5 years ago
DShelt I plan to start pink kush next week. Thanks for sharing!
Simonogina Would love to follow your progress :) see our latest update for more pictures
Day: 8

The plants are now 2-4 cm tall and have grown in leaf size and are showing more new leafs. Spraying more water. L/D 24/0
5 years ago
Day: 7

The plants are now 2-4 cm tall and are showing more leaves. L/D 24/0.
5 years ago
Day: 6

The sprouts are now 1,5-3 cm tall and have started to show 2 more leaves. L/D 24. Added a humidifier. Still watering every 2-3 hour. Removed the case-lid first time over night.
5 years ago
Day: 5

The last seed has sprouted and they are in between 1 to 2,5 cm tall. Lowered the lights to 45cm and are still spraying with regular water every 2-3 hour. L/D 24/0
5 years ago
Day: 4

The seeds has shown its first sprouts and leafs and are lightly sprayed with water every 2-3 hour. Light 24/0
5 years ago
Day: 3

Sprayed with water every 2-3 hour and anxiously waiting for the sprouts to show. The babies are going on 24 hour light until their ready for the big pots.
5 years ago
Day: 2

transferred seeds to paper towel, after 24 hours the seeds sprouted tails and was ready to be planted in coco soil in its little sprout case
5 years ago
Day: 1

Stared germination process with 5 pink kush feminised seeds. submerged seeds in water 24 hour
5 years ago
Day: 1

planted seeds in water
5 years ago