Blue dream auto
Spring 2021
48x48x8 1 spider co 1000w 2 plantop 1500w
Blue dream auto
Day 121 (Week 18)
11 updates
40 photos
Day: 121

Ended up with 70 grams found 2 jars after I had weighed it and took the picture. lol closes enough tho. Smells really good and has a nice high form the first blow I tried
4 years ago
Day: 111

Well she’s finally done! I’m so ready to see how it smokes!
4 years ago
coreyjoe12 Hey mate, can you help me, I have a plant that is sick.
adamsgrow Looks amazing, looking forward to it
Day: 106

She’s goin In the dark today. And looks and smells amazing
4 years ago
sergiovarajao Beautiful, why put it in dark before harvest? Thanks
Day: 91

Really starting to see the blue in her. Got a little bit longer
4 years ago
Day: 86

Haven’t posted I’m a hot minute! Been a roller coaster for sure but all and all I’m happy. Buds are small but are dense and smell amazing! Hopefully the mold didn’t hurt her to bad
4 years ago
Day: 60

Coming along nicely
4 years ago
adamsgrow Well it’s better than your super blueberry haze @Troy.Farms so I don’t see why you talk shit on a plant that’s doing well for a mew grower
bigbuds1986 Adamsgrow he’s just mad because he got served in another post about being a bitch so now he’s gunna try and troll me every chance he gets 😂😂 🗑
bigbuds1986 Bro go pretend like you know how to grow somewhere else no one gives a fuck what you have to say
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Day: 39

Just watered. Looking good other than that. Stretched more then I’d have like but I just let this one grow 🤷♂️
4 years ago
adamsgrow Looking good can’t wait for her to finish
Day: 29

Been a minute since I’ve updated. Things of been going pretty good and she is looking amazing
4 years ago
Day: 7

Welcome to the family little one 😂 blue dream auto. Gunna LST her
4 years ago
adamsgrow I can’t wait to see her grow
bigbuds1986 Dude me too! I want something tasty
adamsgrow Lol yeah I think that was day 7 from the seed being stuck in the dirt
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