
Zweet Child AutoFEM

Summer 6/9/21

Planning to grow this in a 10 gallon Soil Pot with 1/2 CocoCoir With Perlite and 1/2 Organic Soil.


Day 15 (Week 3)

10 updates

10 photos

Day: 15

She’s starting to strengthen her stem… I Still think she’s getting too much light maybe. Gonna bring her upstairs for the day for natural windowsill light..

4 years ago


RiskIt Stretching is caused by the light being to high from your lady should be like 18” away during veg

Day: 13

Supported her stem and kept her under the lights overnight… gonna leave her there during the day cause it’s overcast… cheers for the help!

4 years ago


Caliban Bury more of her stem. And eventually a gentle breeze will help stiffen the stem. 👍🤞


Caliban I have ethos’s banana hammock running now. Good genes

Day: 12

Not sure what’s up with her… shes also 6 inches tall.. looking healthy excluding the fact that she isn’t stretching up.. could be because it’s still only 8:14 am and overcast and she hasn’t waken up yet…

4 years ago


Caliban Needs more light. Move a fluorescent bulb closer. Use a tooth pick and help support the stem.

JuiceGrows @caliban thank you. She was moved to natural light.. I’ll put her under the LED’s at night


growin4thepham She def needs to be inches from a grow light to stop that stretching too. Put a lil ring around her to help her stem since she has no stem strength yet

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Day: 8

About an inch tall in height!

4 years ago

Day: 7

She’s getting there!

4 years ago

Day: 3

Trying to stick to these 10am or so updates… not much more to report on this one. She’s extended or roots slightly.. I think I should probably close the windows at night. Possibly another update to come later if I decided to transplant her… she’s eventually going into a 10 gallon pot outside.

4 years ago

Day: 3

Transferred her into the organic compost from my outdoor garden that I plan to grow her in outside.. 11:34 am. 6/10/2021

4 years ago

JuiceGrows 6/11/21**

Day: 3

Soil is looking like a nice 6.5 pH.. perfect.

4 years ago

Day: 2

At around 7:30 am I came in to look at her.. she was floating at the top so I slightly poked her and she immediately sunk.. it’s now currently 10:30 am (time of picture) and she’s at the bottom and has cracked open.

4 years ago


Caliban She is cracked open there. You can pop here Into soil now

JuiceGrows @caliban thank you!

Day: 1

Germinating the Seed in water mixed with Clonex. Placed in the sunny windowsill @ 10 am.

4 years ago