First timer , learning experience
First grow
4x4 tent , platinum 900 led light .vivosun everything pretty much. Started with 4 and 4 , will be 3 and 3 . Growing in 5 gallon smart pots .
GDP , Diamond OG
Day 105 (Week 15)
23 updates
102 photos
Day: 105

Dried it out for 6 days and starting curing process . Dried out it comes out to about 380 grams . Plus 3.5 ounces of shake/baby nugs/ stuff I was too lazy to fully trim . Smells good haha
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz Great job bro it looks great!
Wiser_greenery Awesome job Z looks great.
Bassman Nice😁
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Day: 98

Chopped it all down today after 48 hours of darkness . Feels like a good amount . Took a while to trim it up . I didn’t weigh it before but I will post the weight after it’s all dry and trimmed up . Weird thing I noticed . The bigger ones actually produced less it felt like . The smaller ones were more dense . Learned a lot on this first run . Will be starting the second one in 2 weeks
6 years ago
LOV|LED Congrats man! You always remember your first!
Wiser_greenery Hey did you let your dirt dry out completely before the 48 hours of dark.
Day: 85

Last feeding with neuts . Next week I flush and then chop it all down after .
6 years ago
SMEHTHESMEH Nice first run!
Day: 81

So I think they are almost ready . Not entirely sure when it’s the right time but I read you can use a magnifying glass and tell that way . Gonna have to google it hah. Everything looks ok . Not horrible but I think they will make it to the end .
6 years ago
LOV|LED They still look pretty good man. I really think it was the heat that got to the bigger ones, but just my 2 cents. Still looks dank!
Wiser_greenery 🤙🏾🤙🏾 good stuff bro whatever you do. DONT get the 420 magnified glass from amazon lol. But I think they look good how many weeks are they now
ZiON Almost 7 weeks in flower . Probably gonna give them neuts Wednesday . then next week just do water and chop them down the following week
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Day: 76

Well back from my trip . When I opened the tent I had my 2 biggest plants tipped over on there sides and looking horrible 😔 I neut burned the shit out of those 2 . The smaller 3 actually look really good . This tent is looking pretty bad tho . I almost wanted to just scrap it all and start a new grow but I know it’s mainly just 2 of them struggling . So many things are going to change next grow that’s forsure haha . Anyways just giving an update . Can’t blame my brother in-law for messing things up . Was pretty much out of options for leaving the grow for that long of a time . Hopefully they survive a few more weeks so I can chop everything down and start the next one .
6 years ago
Day: 66

Just watching it grow . I love the growth after each feeding . They look like different plants each time . The nugs are so trippy looking with the hairs all sticking out of them and stuff . It’s a shame I won’t get to smoke any of this but sure is fun to grow it . 🍁😋🍁. About to go on a trip for a week and trusting someone to water and feed them on specific dates ... hopefully I don’t come home to dried up dead plants 😔. Anyway nothing new really . Just another day
6 years ago
SMEHTHESMEH 👌👌 Looking really good! I’m also a first time grower, on my first run. Hopefully whoever you entrusted keeps those babies fed and well taken care of! Following, great grow.
LOV|LED Hey those tall ones look like they're getting too hot. The cupping on the leaves indicate heat stress. The buds will end up getting burned the farther it goes along so try and bend them down some before you leave for your trip. I have the P300 and anything closer than about 15 inches seem to start bleaching/discoloration. Try to even out the canopy if you can.
ZiON Lovled, that was a mistake I made early on . I vegged them for way too long thinking they were so little they needed to grow more. Well now they are like double what they were after flip and they just keep growing haha . It is quite hard to bend anything now without breaking it . After googling the effects of getting too close to the light and “ burnt tips” I’m pretty sure the tips are burnt because of neut burn but it could be a mix of both . Lessons learned for the next run. Unfortunately I can’t smoke weed and I’m just giving it away when all done so it’s no real loss to me if a few nugs get lost due to getting burnt .
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Day: 64

On to another week of flower . I tossed one of the plants that you probably never saw . Was in a small 3g pot in the back . It got no love and had to go . It looks like some of the leaf tips are dying or something . Anyone know what that could be ? Other then that everything seems fine . Did some light trimming but that’s about it .
6 years ago
Day: 58

They are looking pretty good . Looks like the taller plants are getting too top heavy and having trouble standing up . Had to tie some to the sides of the containers just to hold them up . Other then that they all seem to be doing fine . Just gotta make sure they don’t fall over haha
6 years ago
LOV|LED Looking awesome! It's like a jungle in there lol. Trimming anything off or just letting it fly?
Ducatiboy Damn thats bushy girl. Not best for first time grow just don’t overload yourself! Keep up the good work. Im rooting for ya!
ZiON Been doing some light trimming but this kinda got away from me haha . It’s outgrowing my tent height :/ will definitely make some changes next time around .
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Day: 54

Just peeked in to see how they were doin . All seems well for now . The buds look popcorn’y but we will see how it plays out . Still a while till these things are ready .
6 years ago
Day: 49

Ok so I came up on an issue . The bigger plants that I have are having drooping leaves . I think it is lack of water because I watered them a bit less then I have been this week . Busy with work . One of the plants can’t hold itself up but I kinda used paracord and tied it up so it can stand up right . Also i might have vegged these too long . I think they are going to our grow my tent 😔 haha fed them with a 3rd round of flower neuts . Hopefully that wakes them up
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz A good watering will fix it and they’ll respond well to being dehydrated. Greenhouse seed Co do this 2 or 3 times in a plants cycle on their instructional videos. Check em out
ClandestineWestOz Nice grow by the way 👍
ZiON Ya you were right they were back to normal a few hours later
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Day: 42

Second week of flower. Man it smells so good when the tent is open . No issues except one of the plants might need to be supported. It’s kinda leaning a bit. Humidity seems a tad high as well at like 70% but it could be because the thermometer is sitting right by the base of one of the plants under the leafs. There is no signs of mold so I’m ok for now
6 years ago
Wiser_greenery Looking goodt my friend
Day: 34

Just flipped then to flower. Last week I pruned them a bit . Excited to see how they turn out . No issues lately
7 years ago
Day: 28

Just fed them . They seem to be doing fine . I think I’m gonna veg then another week and then I will flip them to flower . I kinda expected them to be a bit bigger but oh well . At least they look healthy . Average temps are around 77 .
7 years ago
Day: 14

Fed them today . 3g water , 2/3 the suggested dosage across the board . Using veg A&B , Roots and Fire (heavy 16) . I think 3 gallons is not quite enough . Will go with 5 gallons next week . They seem to be sucking up a lot of water lately which is good . I might need to top these soon . One of them is getting tall . Not sure when the right time is to top them so I think I will in a few days .
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 You can top them now you have 4 sets of leaves so your fine
Day: 13

Definite new growth . Looks like they are coming alive . The heatwave is just about over so the overall temps have been down in the tent (71-84). I water them a little almost every day . I do skip days sometimes but not always. No bug issues like I thought I was gonna have . Tomorrow is neuts time .
7 years ago
Darkcloud2669 Looking good 🤙🏼
ZiON Thanks man .
Day: 8

Just did some light watering . Transplanted the last 2 out of solo cups . The roots on both plants looked pretty healthy and white. One into a 5g fabric pot and the other into a 1g plastic pot . I think I will get a 3g pot to put that in later . I just didn’t think I had the space . I had an issue with my light timer . I don’t think it shut off at all today . Gotta go through and reset everything . A possible new problem might be arising :/ ... I saw a gnat on one of the plants . I checked them all and there was only 1 gnat that I saw but still.. we don’t even have gnats in our house .. how in the world did one get in there . Besides that they seem to be doing a little better as a whole . These poor guys have been through a lot the last week .
7 years ago
Bagseedwarrior Gnats can come with dirt. Considering you don’t have any in your house keep air flow moving and it shouldn’t be a problem, I had a few gnats arise in my tent and they disappeared quick!
Day: 7

First feeding of neuts today . Gave them 1ml roots , .5mil of Fire , 7mil of A veg and 7mil of B veg. I didn’t quite douse the plants as much as I should have but that should be better then nothing for a bit . I’ll hit them with a fresh feeding in 5 days and flood the whole pot . I just didn’t have enough pure water to do that this time around . PH was around 5.7 which is good . These babies look hungry tho . I should started them on neuts like 3 days ago :/ . They will recover tho .
7 years ago
ZiON Looking back at this I probably should have taken your advice and eased them into it a little ... fingers crossed they don’t die haha .
Darkcloud2669 I think your good.. I didn’t feed mine till week 2... those first smooth leaves provide the plant with nutriants, usually they die off week 2 an you feed them.. their gonna love you for feeding them good
Day: 6

Was going to start neuts today but realized I had nothing to measure ml with ..smh . So that will start tomorrow . Reading the bottle of the neuts ( HEAVY 16 A&B) it said I should have been giving them neuts already but UPS420 said not to for a week .. so yea . Will be starting tomorrow . Think ima get the roots one too . Today I noticed a bit of fan holding on the leaves and there was a bit of burn on the leaves of 1 of the plants . Hopefully the neuts bring these to life cuz right now they look a bit sad and little .
7 years ago
SinCitySmoke Heavy is great but a harsh synthetic. Ease them into nutes as it looks like your plants are stressed. Try starting at 1/4th the dosage the first two days, 1/2 two next day and ease into full strength.
Day: 5

I transplanted one of the ones out of a solo cup and into a big pot . Got rid of one of them because it was weak and growing at an angle . The roots were white and all the way down the sides of the solo cup which was good . Other then that it’s the same as usual
7 years ago
Day: 4

Day 4 . Still feeding them water only . Temps are still high but there isn’t a whole lot I can do about it right now . I’ll give it another week . If they still look like they are struggling then I will scratch them and start over in a cooler area of the house . We shall see how it goes
7 years ago
Day: 3

So the thermometer showers it got 91 in there for the high . That is crazy hot . Not sure it is accurate considering I took the thermometer out and had it in our other room and it showed the same temp as in the grow room which was weird . It seems to be showing that it’s averaging 84 in there which is still a bit warm. I raised the light a little and moved the fans to bottom of the tent in hopes to make a little difference in temp . Sense being at the top pointing down would mean it’s blowing hotter air down . At least that’s how I see it . Don’t know but the plants aren’t showing any serious signs of heat stress yet .
7 years ago
Day: 2

So the temps get down to 77 with the lights off . A little better but it’s still around 84 on average with the lights on . Getting a portable AC tomorrow . Hopefully that fixes the problem . No real changes . Just giving them water 1ce a day . I added another intake spot in the tent in hopes that it makes a difference . It didn’t .. haha but maybe it will when the outside air if the tent is cooler with the additional ac . I need a bigger tent .. I also think I fucked up in picking which ones go in the big pots . A few of the solo cup GDP’s are doing pretty good .
7 years ago
Wiser_greenery From my understanding 84 isn’t horrible when growing with led. The lil a/c will def take care of the heat. Should get a fan tho to circulate
Day: 1

Well . I can feel that heat will be an issue . Clones were in ok shape purchased from UPS 420. Roots had a little brownish at the tips but not too bad I don’t think . Hand watering them in just strait coco . Will have to look into getting a portable ac or something to get the temps down
7 years ago
GreenThumbWeezis Doesn’t look like you got a fan running in there I’d start at that before adding anything that’d shock the plants
iKharon Add a small intake and exhaust.. air flow is a must
ZiON The fans were placed higher at this point but I put them lower now . I have a big exhaust fan with 6 inch piping . I don’t have an intake tho . Just got the 2 mesh sides open and have 6 inch piping on the bottom with a fan blowing towards that side of the tent kinda acting like an intake fan ..