The Gift

Life is random

Handed out some tips on growing better plants to a neighbor. Turns out karma was in attendance that day. They came by and dropped off a clone for me today. Here is a strain that I’ve wanted to try growing since I first heard about it and have had a hard time getting seeds or a clone. The clock has started for my first ever Freakshow run. “Thank you, The Universe.” -Sokka


Day 16 (Week 3)

7 updates

26 photos

Day: 16

This one is growing pretty freaking fast. I know it’s going to be a dude. Best I can do is store the pollen and breed something later. I wonder what would go good crossed with a Freakshow??🤔🤔🤔

3 years ago


organic_grower Hey how did this plant work out?


BINAII Crossed it with a Shaman. Seeds are still in the buds developing


organic_grower Awesome work 👍 wonder what the cross will look like.

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Day: 15


The “Gift” might be male. Gotta keep an eye on this thing. Other than that, it’s growing well.

3 years ago

Day: 9

I’d say this girl has acquired a decent amount of growth in 9 days. Took natural sunlight for about 7 hours today and the lest under the LED. She got watered with a compost and casting tea this morning and her leaves were praying to the sun god. This 1 gallon should be pretty filled by day 30. Then she’ll be going in 5 galling fabric pot indefinitely. So mid August I’ll be snatching some clones for the autumn and winter months.

3 years ago


grownoverflown I’ll buy a clone from ya


BINAII Oh really? I’m in sales?? Never thought about sells my clones before. I can just hook you up with a clone, Bruv.

Day: 8


Finally, the day I’ve been waiting on. Transplant day. Roots are healthy and it’s time to get settled in the 1 gallon pot for at least a month. Can’t wait til this girl takes off.

3 years ago

Day: 7

The “Gift” is going to make it. Here you can see a clear difference from the first day to day 7. This Freakshow is going to be alright. I can’t wait to see what she looks like in a month when she’s been upgraded to a 1 gallon pot. Stay tuned!!!

3 years ago


organic_grower Hey it's looking good! 👍


BINAII Yeah…miles better.

Day: 3


I have to say that I’m seeing significant progress at day 3 after repotting. Can’t wait to see her at the end of a week. I know I’ll have to get rid of some of the lower branching and get her situated in a more suitable pot eventually but right now I’m only concerned with her getting well and growing healthy.

3 years ago


grownoverflown Looks interesting. Followin


BINAII Thanks my guy. You’ve heard of the Freakshow strain, right?


organic_grower Very cool I will be watching! 🍿

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Day: 0


Received her in a pot too big for her roots and a bit too wet. Decided to take some of my organic mix of Pro-mix, lobster meal, earthworm castings, oyster shell flour, peas flour, and compost…..cut with plain pro mix potting soil of course and get her situated in her new properly proportioned nursery pot. Roots still look good…haven’t started to rot and no deficiencies have been noted. Just a bit overwatered. Watered her in and set her next to her adopted big sister. I think she’ll do fine……unless she turns into a he🤔🤞🏾.

3 years ago