
Hindu Kush 2024

My First Grow

This is my very first attempt at a grow so any pointers or tips are welcome and appreciated!

Hindu Kush

Day 58 (Week 9)


22 updates

27 photos

Day: 58

It’s getting close to that time!

8 months ago

wyattwelding101 First grow guy here too!

Day: 56

Just hoping for a quarter at this point

8 months ago

Day: 51


Starting to smell nice

8 months ago

Day: 47

If only my transplant didn’t cause her to flower early

8 months ago

Day: 46


8 months ago

Day: 38

At this point we are simply just seeing what happens. Not much faith in this plant.

8 months ago

Day: 36

Since we flowered early no nutes, just watering. I’ve started 2 new photos

8 months ago

Day: 28

Seems we have gone into flower a little early which is a bummer

9 months ago

Day: 25

We are rolling now!

9 months ago

papabear Excellent progress! I have been growing for years and I am trying this strain for the first time. Extremely difficult to germinate and get a good strong sprout. I’m a week into my germination and only 2/4 seeds made it. My goal is to graft it with a few other strains I have growing currently to create my own strain.

iHendew @papabear I thought it was just me! This seed took forever to pop. I thought it was a dud at first lol. Took like 4-5 days

papabear Definitely not the only one. I tried everything I’ve ever known to get these seeds to pop. It’s been driving me crazy. I got mine from the only reputable source that has the original landrace strain. I reached out to them and they helped me figure it out. I live in high North America so it’s more difficult to grow.

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Day: 21

Doesn’t even look like the same plant that was struggling a few days ago. So grateful for the guys that reached out and gave me pointers.

9 months ago

Day: 17

Finally moved to the 5 gallon but the first set of leaves are still yellow a little and pointing down. They aren’t dry which makes me think this was from over watering. Moved to spraying the top of the soil yesterday so we will see how or if they bounce back. They also aren’t 3 or 5 pointed leaves. Just the first leaves that grew after the cotyledon leaves so I’m not even sure that they aren’t just going to die off. If anyone could provide input it would be much appreciated.

9 months ago


BobbyGrowMoBack Next time wait longer to transplant, doing it to early definitely hurts more then helps. Plus it’s easier to fix problems with less soil or medium. Respectfully

iHendew Makes sense but the roots had made it to the bottom of the original little planter and was hitting the bottom so that’s why I transplanted. The leaves had turned yellow before this tho.


BobbyGrowMoBack Ok. Roots hitting the bottom is ok and not a sign to transplant. If the leaves was yellowing, don’t transplant a sick plant it adds another element to something already wrong. 5gals is a big step out of a planter. Your next grow I’ll walk you through it. Switch to coco instead of soil and I’ll get you plants that look like mine.

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Day: 14

Someone said I overwatered yesterday which is why the leaves are curling downward, unfortunately I had already watered the plant at the time. Lol. Gonna let him rest from feeding today and tomorrow and see if it bounces back. The soil seems really dry so it’s hard not want to water but I’m gonna trust the process 🤣

9 months ago


@eaegifts At this stage I use a 60ml syringe and lift to see if it’s heavy with water. I should’ve mentioned the other day that both under and over watering show similar symptoms so it’s a great idea to get a idea of the pot weight.

iHendew The pot is definitely dry and no water is present. Maybe I’m just giving way too much water when I am feeding but right now I’d say it’s definitely dry


@eaegifts Yea perhaps that’s the issue, try less and make sure your rh is high around 65% at least.

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Day: 12

Looking a little bigger

9 months ago

Day: 11

Every day I’m seeing progress

9 months ago

Day: 10

Not much growth since yesterday. But still a little

9 months ago


@eaegifts Looks a bit overwatered, considering elevating her and holding off on water a few days 👍🏾

iHendew Hmm. I’ve been watering every 2-3 days. I’ve only watered once I noticed the soil dry but I’ll maybe hold off another day once I notice that. Thank you for the input! @eaegifts

budbrother417 Only water when the plant asks for it. Watch the leaves they will talk to you. Yours are saying too much water because they are curling down instead of reaching for the light. Use a spray bottle in this stage and get the soil super damp not drenched. She will bounce back just don’t water her and let the pot completely dry

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Day: 8

Day 9

9 months ago


RoMag Hey Hon: Just imagine what she will look like in 20, 30, and 63 days. Hindu Kush nice choice. Grow good and strong.

iHendew @romag I can’t wait! Ironically I ordered a Runtz Muffin seed and they sent me the Hindu Kush seed free. This is my first grow so I wanted to try the free seed first lol. The ironic part is my nickname is Hendew so the Hindu seed just felt right


RoMag Hen: It’s funny how the Universe comes together for us. HINT: I always try the free seeds first. I call them “Practice Beans.” Best advice: The less love and attention the better. I have killed more starters because I gave them: too much water, too much nutritious, too much of you name it! Just watch it grow, talk to it, send it good vibes!! Okay. Less is more than enough. Something to think about other in the not too distant future is watering from the bottom. This is just a germinated seed, but in the future. You have the water tray under the plant and container try watering from the bottom allowing the roots to seek out the water. (In the near future) Hen: Is this an auto or photo period of Hindu Kush? Do you know what you are going to do with this once it gets going? What is your next step or plan?

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Day: 7

I’m so proud 😭

9 months ago

Day: 6

Seeing the growth day by day is truly amazing!!

9 months ago

Day: 5

Getting bigger day by day!

9 months ago

Day: 3

Lost the helmet and now the fun begins!

9 months ago

Day: 1

A day after I Moved over to dirt. The seedling sprouted but still has his little helmet on.

9 months ago

Day: 0

2 days after starting the germination process the tap root finally started to show then I went ahead and threw it in the dirt.

9 months ago