ig @chevy_grows

ig @chevy_grows

Mango smile- all mephisto run

Perpetual grow

Sprout in jiffy puck, transplant to solo day 3, will move to grow bucket or fabric pot

Mango Smile

Day 56 (Week 8)



14 updates

15 photos

Day: 56


Moving along, found sweet spot for nuts so pulled back a tad and continuing on.

2 years ago


Drizz Is this an auto?

ig @chevy_grows

ig @chevy_grows Yes, mephisto


Drizz What kind of light?

View 5 additional comments

Day: 52


Removed cal mag from schedule, I think it was over dosing from amount already on flora flex, seeing similar issue as other plant. Seems to have stopped progressing.

2 years ago

Day: 42


Fed cal mag and flower nutes

2 years ago

Day: 36

Moving along

2 years ago


Caliban Love the healthy plant!

Day: 33

Bushing out nicely, moving right along, pulling top down daily

2 years ago

Day: 29

Straining started, bent over

2 years ago

Day: 25

Starting to pick up, fed recharge and dr jimz a day ago.

2 years ago

Day: 20

Doing good, green came back, good on ff veg nutes at 1.5 gal

2 years ago

Day: 17

Pot light, bottom fed, watered recharge and dr jimz

2 years ago

Day: 16

Feeding went well green coming back in

2 years ago

Day: 15

Fed first veg nutes flora flex, bottom fed and edge

2 years ago

Day: 14

Hands of just monitoring water level

2 years ago

Day: 9

Transplanted to 3 gal reused ffof added dynomyco and recharge 2 days ago at transplant.

2 years ago

Day: 5

Solo cup, not sure which grow style I will use yet. Thinking 100 bottom feed for testing

2 years ago