
Blue Dream/ OG Kush/WWS

December 1 2020

Started first grow. Decided to do 4 plants all started from seeds. Gave each seed its own solo cup and labeled it. Placed water in cups along with seeds for a 24 hour soak before I will place in wet paper towel.

Blue Dream (2), OG Kush, WWS

Day 7 (Week 1)

2 updates

11 photos

Day: 7


echecked BD2 seed and still not sprout. Place new BD seed to take the place. Had to remove seed shell from both the WWS and OG Kush. Light water with spray bottle. Plants looking stretched out and moved 13 w light a couple inches closer to plants. Still 24 hour light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 4


Check seeds and all have sprouted expect for BD2. Left seed in bad and will see think it may be a dud. Red solo cup received the sprouted seeds. Lightly covered with loose dirt.

4 years ago