
Tent grow 1

Sour Grape

#1 Plant split/topped when I received from Matt. Tied sides down middle growing in. Feeding nutrients. #2 Similar grow but stretching. Thick stock. 6/28 - trestle installed and introduced flower feed at half strength. 1/2 veg feed too9 7/11 11-Feeding half bloom half blank diamond 3/4 Mammoth P. Some nite burn noticed. Ph hard to nail down. Increased feeding a day. 3 times a week now. Trestle filling up -Planted clones in orange tray in closet cab. Just feeding clone nourishment for week. Setting timer to feed every 2 hrs for week. Maybe increase after 2 days.

Phenom #1 & 2

Day 71 (Week 11)

1 update

1 photo

Day: 71

10 Pointer!

5 years ago