

My first grow!

Advices are welcome

Spend a lot of money on the equipment. Lets do some cool shit!

Shining Silver Lemon Haze

Day 40 (Week 6)


20 updates

60 photos

Day: 40

Third week second day in the veg phase. Before i trimed them

3 months ago


Leland3471 Nice. GL!!!!

Day: 40

After the trim.

3 months ago

Day: 30

They are now in the final 11L pot. They look a little bit sad because of the stress but they should be alright. I also added about 15g of Greenhouse BioGrow fertilizer.

3 months ago

Day: 29


Day 5 in the Veg Stage. Looking good. Tomorrow they will be repotet in they‘re final 11L pot

3 months ago

Day: 27


Day 3 in the Veg stadium.

4 months ago

Day: 23


Proud AF.🥹

4 months ago


@eaegifts They look great 👍🏾

Day: 21



4 months ago

Day: 20

🙌🏻. In a few days or a week they are official in the veg stadium.🌱

4 months ago

RoMag Nice setup. Everything is clean and neat. All containers are evenly filled with the growing medium (looks like cocoa coir) and all are labeled with the name of the variety growing. All containers are evenly and equally distributed in the grow area with saucer trays to catch any overflow. This is the PERFECT way to setup your first grow. IMPRESSIVE!!! Keep us posted. Good luck. BTW: You do know that you must share 50% of your harvest with all your cheer growers on this platform!!! LOL


HomeGrower Thank you for that comment 🤝🏻❤️


HomeGrower Btw the soil ist BioBizz light mix.👌🏼

Day: 17


Looking good. 👌🏼

4 months ago

Day: 14


Looking ok in there new home.👌🏼

4 months ago


mjones2343 Me too I got a special queen going it’s a little younger than yours about two days old

Day: 13

Today, I selected the 6 best plants since I can only keep 6. The plants were then immediately repotted in BioBizz soil.

4 months ago


ADZ Looking nice and cosy 🤞💯

Day: 9

Nothin special. They got 5ml water today. Humidity about 72-77%. And temperature about 23°.

4 months ago

Day: 8


The lamp had too little power, so the plants grew too tall. I've turned up the lamp now, so it's better. Additionally, I've started using both fans.

4 months ago

Day: 6


Looking ok so far.

4 months ago

Day: 5


Just kept the soil moist for the last days. Today the first seedlings finaly showed up. 😄

4 months ago


blacksunset Nice setup. I would add a transparent cover to increase your RH. Good luck bro.


HomeGrower I got a smart humidifier. 👌🏼

Day: 3


*Update* Day 3 im the Veg. Stadium. Looking good but one plant is much higher.🤷🏽‍♂️

4 months ago

Day: 3


*Update* Day 3 of the Veg. stadium. Looking good

4 months ago

Day: 3


Day 3 in the Veg Stadium.

4 months ago

Day: 2

Just watered a little. Still nothing to see

4 months ago


@eaegifts Consider putting the dome on


HomeGrower I got a smart humidifier in the growbox. Always the perfect humidity in the box. 👌🏼


@eaegifts If you’ve gotta water again at this stage I’d give it a check. What brand if you don’t mind sharing?, I’m in need of a new one myself.

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Day: 1

Day one

4 months ago

RoMag How did you go about or what method did you use to germinate your seeds? I could not tell from the pictures that you posted. Have any of the seeds actually sprouted and broken the planting material surface?


HomeGrower I simply placed them directly in the moist soil. As in nature, this is the best way in my opinion. They didnt broke the surface i just placed them about 2 hours ago :D


Discpimp🔥 Hell yes I’m a huge fan of let ‘em rip straight out the pack. Keep it simple for success!! Good luck with your grow