Moth Man (Under Development) #2
Moth Man Tester #2
I will be growing two Moth Man plants that I acquired as freebies from Multiverse Beans, bred by Gnome Automatics. I have split the medium with Expert Gardening(.05-.03-.06), Happy Frog(.30-.30-.05), Ocean Forest(.30-.45-.05), and mixed in Harvest Hero Enhanced Perlite(.00-.057-.57). One will be in an 3gal AC Infinity cloth pot and the other in an AC Infinity5gal pot. Not really following a schedule of nutrients so much as trying to read the plants and document what they do and don’t like. I do believe Dan from Gnome stated the testers have “good Anvil bones” in them, so I’m hoping for a familiar grow. Both seeds were soaked in water for ~12 hours, paper towel for about 24(to a good taproot), and then both were placed in starter pots with HF and HH perlite. 04/22/22 was Day One for both plants.
Moth Man by Gnome Automatics
Day 40 (Week 6)
5 updates
11 photos
Day: 40

She a short and thicc bitch…sister is in preflower and she’s just over here taking her sweet time…stopping to smell the flowers so to speak. Lol
3 years ago
Day: 18

5gal pot Moth Man seems to be a lot slower and smaller than the 3gal.
3 years ago
Day: 15

Starting Week 3 from sprout.
3 years ago
Day: 14

2 weeks old from sprout.
3 years ago
Day: 13

24 hours after transplant into final container. No nutrients, only water.
3 years ago