
Sirius Cookie & BruceBanner Seedlings


Germ’d 2020.01.15 Jiffy Pod’s 2020.01.16 1gal Smart pots with HP-CC(M)Pro-Mix

Sirius Cookie

Day 196 (Week 28)

5 updates

5 photos

Day: 196

Won’t be long, maybe 2 weeks tops, before flower season.

4 years ago

Day: 162

June 26 beasting

4 years ago

Day: 145

Long way to go till October, but the trees and starting to shape up.

5 years ago

Day: 106

2 weeks before sunshine trials, and 3 before the move outside. Growin trees

5 years ago

Zamnesiaxx96 Where are you from

Day: 19

Germ’d 1/15/2020 Jiffy Pods 1/16 1gal smart pots 2/1 Pro-Mix HP-CC(m) Coco 4 cups water 1/2 gal water to reservoir Reduced heat from 80 to 74 Humidity 45 ( 3 Sirius Cookie, 3 Bruce Banner )

5 years ago